
For a savage killer, the mink is extremely cute. It has a little pointy face, small round ears, and a thin body on short legs. They often attack and eat animals larger than themselves, killing with a bite to the neck.

Mink usually walk or run with their backs gracefully arched. Happening upon a non-threatening human, one may stop and rise up on its hide legs to check out the scene. Their fur quality has made mink one of the highest priced pelts so they are a trapper's delight.

However, because of the severe number of mink killed off by trappers, mink used for their furs are now commercially raised, instead of being captured from the wild. Though stinky, some people in the area choose to keep them as pets. Similar to a skunk, they can release a stenchy spray, although they cannot aim it. Their home consists of a number of dens built in bank burrows. They also live in log cavities, and sometimes old muskrat burrows. Mink can be spotted in forests, streams, lakes, and marshes.

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