Snowshoe Hare
Photo Courtesy of Steffon McGregor
Photo Courtesy of Steffon McGregor(705) 785-3095

The snowshoe hare was at one time the only rabbit in Ontario. The Cotton-tail rabbit and European rabbit were brought to Ontario around 1912. The hare received its nicknames, rabbit and bunny, from these two species. Since the hare is native to the Mississagi Valley it is accustomed to the cold and can withstand it much better than the cottontail and European rabbits. During winter its fur turns white to camouflage it with the snow. The hare has larger feet (hence the name snowshoe), than the other two species of rabbits. They allow the hare to move through the snow at a rapid speed, escaping deadly attacks with greater ease than the other two species of rabbits.

Just like Thumper in the Disney movie "Bambi", the hare also stomps its feet to warn of danger, and also to attract members of the opposite sex. The snowshoe hare can be spotted in forests, thickets, and coniferous swamps.

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