
The bobcat population is more highly concentrated in the Mississagi River Valley region than in any other region in Ontario. The large number of small mammals and birds found in the area serve as an excellent source of prey for these wild felines, so they prosper.
Bobcats are solitary and do not often approach human settlements, preferring the seclusion of the deep forests. Because of this bobcats are rarely seen, despite the fact that they are plentiful. They are similar to lynx, another wild cats native to the Mississagi Valley. Like lynx, bobcats are nocturnal, which also contributes to the fact that they are seldom seem. With its keen sense of sight and smell, the bobcat knows a person is approaching long before that person is even close to it, and just like many other animals would be long gone by the time you got there. They are more afraid of humans than we are of them. If you are a real trooper, and sneaky about it, you can spot one deep with in forests, or near isolated swamps.

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