Photo Courtesy of Little White River Studios (36KB)

Photo Courtesy of

Little White River Studios

You may remember the famous creature from movies such as Caddy Shack and Groundhog Day. Made famous from the one-day celebration of Groundhog Day, usually only one groundhog in all of Ontario is awakened for the events, which take place on February second. The groundhog is then forced out of his burrow, and the legend goes that if he sees his shadow there will be six more weeks of winter. If he does not, spring is on its way.

The groundhog is also commonly hated by farmers. The little beast tends to dig his tunnels and burrows under the farm fields and gardens to feast on the plentiful food, sometimes destroying or decreasing the farmers' harvests. Some farmers will go slightly crazed with the obsession of driving them out of their fields. The groundhogs can be spotted in farm fields, meadows, and open woods.

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