Red Squirrel
Photo Courtesy of Little White River Studios Box 48, Iron Bridge
Photo Courtesy of Little White River Studios

The red squirrel is a high-strung rodent that usually seems to be trying to do a hundred things at once. You can easily spot the tiny creature leaping from tree to tree, as it rapidly cuts and drops cones from trees, to be collected later. A squirrel may eat more then 100 cones a day. Squirrels spend their summer and fall days collecting enough food to keep them fed throughout the winter.

They can be spotted in coniferous and mixed forests, bogs, and swamps. They have a reddish brown back and tail, with a white underside, and eye ring. Their tails are flat and busy.

You will know when you come across one by its loud ratcheting cherp, full of sharp squeals and barks. Its call will continue until you leave its area, or it determines that you are no longer a threat.

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