Red Fox
Photo Courtesy of Steffon McGregor (30KB)

Photo Courtesy of Steffon McGregor

(705) 785-3095

The cat-like red fox can occasionally be spotted during the day by the side of the road, or near the forest's edge. Red foxes have rusty-coloured fur, with white undersides, and are about 22 to 25 inches long - about the size of a large tom cat.

Preferring to hunt near the edge of the forest the fox sneaks up on its prey, and in a deadly dash pounces like a cat to capture its tiny meal. Found cute and cuddly by some, the fox is seen by others as a vicious little beast, that attacks poor little rabbits and squirrels. However, it is their way of survival, and being partially vegetarian the fox eats fewer of these little creatures than you may think.

Some foxes may seem tame and friendly towards humans. This may be because they have been tamed or cared for by humans in the area. However, if you run into an unnaturally tame fox away from civilization, and it seems to wander about aimlessly, STAY AWAY!! This confused looking little fox may have rabies, and that is one risk you do not want to take.

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