Photo Courtesy of Steffon McGregor (49KB)
Photo Courtesy of Steffon McGregor (705) 785-3095
The graceful white-tailed deer can be found throughout the Mississagi River area. Easily spotted in the spring and fall seasons, sometimes all you may see is its white tail bounding away from you. A very fast animal, the deer can leap up to six meters in one bound. They are very timid creatures, scared quite easily, and it is said that they are under enough stress each day to send blood pressure levels skyrocketing in humans. This is understandable considering that the deer is the most commonly hunted animal in the area, followed by the moose.

Deer are strictly vegetarians, usually feeding on grass, berries, and leaves in the spring, summer and fall months. In the winter however, many find it hard to survive, and can die of starvation. Others will travel as far as 90 kilometers south to find enough food for survival.

Deer can be spotted grazing in fields, and the odd time at the side of the road. If you are driving in the area at night take note: headlights affect deer. Headlights tend to put deer in a daze, and no matter how much noise you make with the horn there is a good chance that the deer is not going to budge. So, please pay attention for deer signs along the highway.

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