Tables – The Economy
- Economic
indicators, by provinces and territories
- Gross
domestic product, income-based
- Gross
domestic product, expenditure-based
- Real
gross domestic product, expenditure-based
- Gross
domestic product at basic prices, by industry
- Canada's
balance of international payments
- National
balance sheet
- Canada's
international investment position
- Imports
and exports of goods on a balance-of-payments basis
Exports of goods on a balance-of-payments basis
Imports of goods on a balance-of-payments basis
- Labour
force characteristics
- Employment
by industry
- Establishments
by industry
- Full-time
and part-time employment, by sex and age group
- Labour
force, employed and unemployed, numbers and rates, by provinces
- Consumer
Price Index, provinces
- Industrial
product price indexes
- Exchange
rates, interest rates, money supply and stock prices
- Federal
general government, assets and liabilities
Primary industries
- Gross
domestic product at basic prices, primary industries
- Private
and public investment in primary industries
- Raw
materials price index
- Employment
in the logging, forestry, mining, quarrying and oil wells industries
- Average
weekly earnings (including overtime), logging, forestry, mining, oil
wells and quarrying industries
- Employment,
by industry and sex
- Field
and specialty crops, by provinces
- Net
cash receipts
- Milk
and cream sales
- Cattle
and calves, as of January 1, by provinces
- Pig
inventories, by provinces
- Egg
- Income
of farm operators, by provinces
- Aquaculture
industry - Value added account
- Fur
Manufacturing and construction
- Value
of building permits, by type
- Value
of building permits
- New
housing price index
- Housing
- Mortgage
loan approvals, new residential construction and existing residential
properties, Canada
- Housing
- Homeowner
expenditure on repairs and renovations, by provinces
Communications, transport and trade
- Gross
domestic product at basic prices, communications, transportation and
- Employment
in the trade, transportation, storage, communications and other utilities
- Cable
and other program distribution industry, financial and operating statistics
- Couriers'
and local messengers' revenues and expenses, the provinces
- Motor
vehicle registrations
- New
motor vehicle sales
- Revenues
and expenses in the passenger and urban transit bus industry
- For-hire
road motor carriers of freight
- Railway
carriers, revenues and expenses
- Canadian
air carriers
- Retail
- Department
store sales
- Wholesale
Finance and services
- Gross
domestic product at basic prices, finance and services
- Composition
of assets and debts, excluding employer-sponsored registered pension
plans, by provinces
- Assets
and debts held by family units, excluding employer-sponsored registered
pension plans, by provinces
- Employment
in the finance and other service industries
- Chartered
banks and other deposit-accepting intermediaries - Balance sheet
- Residential
mortgage credit
- Net
new security issues
- Life
insurance benefit payments
- Insurance
carriers-Balance sheet
- Average
weekly food expenditure per household, Canada and selected regions
- Average
household expenditures, by provinces and territories