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CBC Special Edition

Editor’s note

The pub­lic broad­caster is fac­ing new chal­lenges, some of which were com­pletely absent dur­ing its last license renewal in 1999. Nos­tal­gia has no place in this new environment.





CCA Spot­light

Deci­sion Time — On the eve of the CRTC hear­ings on the CBC licence renewals we wanted to out­line the con­text and the chal­lenges under which these deci­sions will be made. To cre­ate this por­trait we talked to Pierre Bélanger, pro­fes­sor at the Uni­ver­sity of Ottawa’s Depart­ment of Communication.

A Con­tro­ver­sial Request — The CBC’s request to broad­cast com­mer­cials on Radio 2 and Espace Musique has cre­ated a shock wave and most stake­hold­ers are opposed to it.  We have an overview of some of the com­ments that sum­ma­rize the posi­tions of the intervenors.

We Love the CBC But… In the weeks lead­ing up to the hear­ing, orga­ni­za­tions and indi­vid­u­als across Canada have been sub­mit­ting their opin­ions on the changes pro­posed by Canada’s national broad­caster. We have pulled quotes from var­i­ous sub­mis­sions to encap­su­late the vari­ety of opin­ions on dif­fer­ent issues that will be debated dur­ing the hearings.

Fea­tured Member

Fea­tured mem­ber: A few days after being reap­pointed until 2017 and a few weeks before the CBC license renewal hear­ings at CRTC, Alain Pineau and Anne-Marie Des Roches met with the CEO of the CBC, Hubert Lacroix.

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Detailed Analy­sis of the 2012 Fed­eral Bud­get: The After­shocks Are More Severe Than the Earthquake

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The Cana­dian Con­fer­ence of the Arts is the pan-Canadian alliance link­ing the arts, cul­ture and her­itage com­mu­ni­ties. Through research, analy­ses, and informed pub­lic dis­cus­sions, we sup­port the adop­tion of poli­cies that ensure the vital­ity of the Cana­dian cul­tural sec­tor and access to cul­ture by all Canadians.

Shap­ing Canada’s Vibrant Future for Arts and Cul­ture