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The Canadian Conference of the Arts to Close Doors after 67 Years

Press Release


The Cana­dian Con­fer­ence of the Arts (CCA), the largest national alliance of the arts, cul­ture and her­itage sec­tor across Canada, announces that it will begin wind­ing down its oper­a­tions imme­di­ately. Founded in 1945 by a group of emi­nent artists, includ­ing painters Lawren S. Har­ris, of the Group of Seven, and André Biéler, the CCA has the unique man­date in the Cana­dian cul­tural sec­tor of pro­mot­ing the inter­ests of Cana­dian artists and of the cul­tural sec­tor at large at the fed­eral level, and of pro­vid­ing a national forum where issues of com­mon inter­est can be dis­cussed and pur­sued. The name of the CCA  has been asso­ci­ated with all major cul­tural pol­icy devel­op­ments at the fed­eral level, from the cre­ation of the Canada Coun­cil for the Arts in 1957 to the UNESCO Con­ven­tion on the Pro­tec­tion and Pro­mo­tion of the Diver­sity of Cul­tural Expres­sions in 2005.

A year and a half ago, the CCA became aware of the Harper government’s inten­tion to put an end to 47 years of fund­ing. The CCA informed the Depart­ment of Cana­dian Her­itage right from the begin­ning that it embraced the chal­lenge of mak­ing the CCA finan­cially autonomous, but that in order to do so, it would require a min­i­mum of two years of tran­si­tional fund­ing to imple­ment a new busi­ness model. The CCA held a series of nation-wide pub­lic and pri­vate con­sul­ta­tions, received unequiv­o­cal sup­port for the rel­e­vance of its man­date and devel­oped a com­pre­hen­sive and ambi­tious 2012–2017 Busi­ness Plan. How­ever, in mid-April, the CCA was informed that the gov­ern­ment had lim­ited its assis­tance to six months of fund­ing, clearly an enor­mous hur­dle for the orga­ni­za­tion to over­come. Despite con­sid­er­able efforts and early pos­i­tive results, the Board of Gov­er­nors of the CCA has come to the con­clu­sion that it is impos­si­ble to achieve the objec­tives of the new busi­ness model in less than two years. The Board con­sid­ers that it would be irre­spon­si­ble to risk the money gen­er­ously offered to the CCA so far: it has there­fore decided to cease oper­a­tions imme­di­ately and to put the orga­ni­za­tion in a state of sus­pen­sion, in the hope that in the not too dis­tant future oth­ers will pick up the torch and re-launch this unique instru­ment for the good of the Cana­dian cul­tural sector.

CCA Chair Kath­leen Sharpe states, “The CCA leaves a proud legacy. I would like to con­grat­u­late the Board and staff for their rig­or­ous and aggres­sive approach to imple­ment and sus­tain a new busi­ness model. Despite our best efforts, tran­si­tional sup­port of six months was not enough and we have sim­ply run out of time to develop new rev­enue streams. But we depart know­ing we planned well for such an out­come.” National Direc­tor Alain Pineau adds, “The past seven years have been the most chal­leng­ing and excit­ing ones of my pro­fes­sional life. This was not the way I was hop­ing to end my time with the CCA, but I leave know­ing that all of us at the Sec­re­tariat have given every­thing we had to make this tran­si­tion a suc­cess. I can only hope that some­one else will pick up the chal­lenge. The Cana­dian cul­tural sec­tor needs and deserves a CCA if it is to be effec­tive and thrive.”

The CCA will be leav­ing behind a legacy of research, archives and projects. A mes­sage to mem­bers on the clo­sure, from both Alain Pineau and Kath­leen Sharpe, is avail­able on the CCA’s web­site at



Appen­dix: Mile­stones of the CCA

Media con­tact: Anne-Marie Des Roches | (613) 238‑3561 x 16 or 819–639-5075 |


  1. Grant McConnell, President, CARFAC says:

    It’s very sad to see the CCA put in this posi­tion of hav­ing to close after so many years of con­tri­bu­tions to the arts in Canada. The tire­less work of Alain Pineau, board and staff, in try­ing to pre­vent this from hap­pen­ing is cred­ited, with our thanks. My hope is that at another time, in another fund­ing envi­ron­ment, a CCA will rise again, as the need for this orga­ni­za­tion is just too great.

    Grant McConnell


  1. Quill & Quire » Canadian Conference of the Arts shutting down after 67 years - [...] to a press release issued by the CCA, Canada’s largest arts advocacy agency learned 18 months ago that its federal ...
  2. Chris Selley: NGOs should aim for self-sufficience | Full Comment | National Post - [...] On Tuesday morning, hours before the NDP’s outraged press release landed, the organization announced it was shutting its doors ...
  3. The Week in Review – October 29 - [...] A release from the CCA details the full reasons behind its closure. [...]

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