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C-11 Legislative Committee on copyright: week one

CCA Bulletin 04/12

The first week of consultations on Bill C-11 saw the first 24 witnesses invited to present their views. The process is moving quickly and will continue at this pace as the government fast tracks the Bill.

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The National Director’s Tour

Alain Pineau is back in the office after his cross-country tour. Along his route he vis­ited Vic­to­ria, Van­cou­ver, Saska­toon, Regina, Win­nipeg, Cal­gary, Edmon­ton, Fredric­ton, Saint John, Monc­ton, Char­lot­te­town, Québec, Hal­i­fax and St. John’s. Details on his trav­els and con­sul­ta­tions with CCA mem­bers and arts sup­port­ers are shared in his blog. The Cana­dian Con­fer­ence of the Arts would like to thank its sup­port­ers who hosted and assisted in the orga­ni­za­tion of the pub­lic con­sul­ta­tions across the coun­try....

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    Mes­sage from the President The Pres­i­dent of the CCA’s Board of Direc­tors, Kath­leen Sharpe, addresses the chal­lenges cur­rently fac­ing the CCA. Read on!   CCA Spot­light Munic­i­pal Cul­tural Invest­ment in Five Large Cana­dian Cities -  a study com­par­ing cities with the largest num­ber of cul­tural work­ers and artists in Canada – Van­cou­ver, Cal­gary, Toronto, Ottawa and Mon­tréal.  The report was released in Jan­u­ary 2012 by  Hill Strate­gies Research. The Visual Arts Alliance (VAA), the umbrella orga­ni­za­tion of Cana­dian...

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The Impact of Digital Media on the Performing Arts

A new report enti­tled Beyond the Cur­tain: How Dig­i­tal Media is Reshap­ing The­atre was recently released by Ballinran Enter­tain­ment Ltd. in part­ner­ship with Dig­i­tal Wiz­ards Inc., Cana­dian Actors Equity Asso­ci­a­tion, and Strat­ford Shake­speare Fes­ti­val.  It con­tains a study of the chal­lenges fac­ing the per­form­ing arts in the sector’s attempt to embrace and achieve the right bal­ance with new media and dig­i­tal tech­nolo­gies. The research involved inter­views with lead­ing the­atre pro­fes­sion­als and an online sur­vey that...

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Europe and gender equality

Dur­ing a ple­nary ses­sion held in Brus­sels on Octo­ber 27, 2011, the Euro­pean sec­toral social dia­logue com­mit­tee for the audio-visual field for­mally adopted a frame­work of action on gen­der equal­ity, rep­re­sent­ing a suc­cess­ful out­come to two years of nego­ti­a­tion between social partners. The agree­ment aims to improve the sit­u­a­tion in the sec­tor in the fol­low­ing areas: - Gen­der rep­re­sen­ta­tion; – Gen­der role at work; – Wage equal­ity; – Decision-making equal­ity; and, – Bal­ance between career and home. Drawn up by...

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Municipal Cultural Investment

Mon­tréal and Van­cou­ver Lead the Way in Cul­ture Funding On Jan­u­ary 10th, Hill Strate­gies Research released a study called Munic­i­pal Cul­tural Invest­ment in Five Large Cana­dian Cities. The study com­pares cities with the largest num­ber of cul­tural work­ers and artists in Canada – Van­cou­ver, Cal­gary, Toronto, Ottawa and Mon­tréal. This report writ­ten in part­ner­ship with the cul­tural staff of the five cities cov­ered, the Cre­ative City Net­work and the Cana­dian Urban Libraries Coun­cil aims to fill a gap in the level of infor­ma­tion...

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Message from the President

Dear Mem­bers and Colleagues, By now many of you have been made aware of the CCA’s chang­ing rela­tion­ship with its major fun­der, the Gov­ern­ment of Canada. Indeed, many of you may already or will soon be fac­ing the prospect of reduced sup­port fed­er­ally. The model is shift­ing and chang­ing for all of us. It is an immense chal­lenge for this orga­ni­za­tion given its reliance for 45 years on fed­eral sup­port. The board and staff have been work­ing since last sum­mer on a series of finan­cial options and a busi­ness plan that will allow us to move for­ward...

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EU negotiations: the culture angle">Update on Canada/EU negotiations: the culture angle

CCA Bul­letin 03/12 Feb­ru­ary 21, 2012 Just the facts Some encour­ag­ing news con­cern­ing the sta­tus of cul­ture in the on-going trade nego­ti­a­tions between Canada and the Euro­pean Union! The CCA learned dur­ing the brief­ing ses­sion held by the Depart­ment of For­eign Affairs and Inter­na­tional Trade (DFAIT) that: • It is more than likely that, with the sup­port of some Euro­pean coun­tries, Canada will be able to include a direct ref­er­ence to the UNESCO Dec­la­ra­tion on Cul­tural Diver­sity at the top of the Com­pre­hen­sive Eco­nomic and...

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St. John’s — last port of call!

Feb­ru­ary 19, 2012 For weeks, I have won­dered what kind of weather awaited me in the last leg of my pan­cana­dian tour. Hal­i­fax and St. John’s are two cities well known for their win­ter storms. Well, the Gods were kind to me all through­out my five weeks on the road! After spring-like tem­per­a­tures and sun­shine in Hal­i­fax, I arrived in St. John’s on Thurs­day night to the New­found­land ver­sion of spring, with above aver­age tem­per­a­tures, a thick fog and pour­ing rain! Another more recent con­cern of mine had to do with how many peo­ple would...

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Feb­ru­ary 16, 2012 I have always loved Hal­i­fax for its friendly atmos­phere, the qual­ity of its cul­tural life and its restau­rants. In fact, I must con­fess that I have a soft spot for Nova Sco­tia where, over the years, I have spent four sum­mer hol­i­days. But it is the first time that I set foot in the Nep­tune The­atre where, after a short inter­view for Radio-Canada’s tele­vi­sion ser­vices, I join the thirty peo­ple or so who have gath­ered in one of the rehearsal rooms on the third floor of this vast build­ing in the heart of old Hal­i­fax. Erika Beatty,...

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