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The National Director’s Tour

Messy desk
Alain Pineau is back in the office after his cross-country tour. Along his route he vis­ited Vic­to­ria, Van­cou­ver, Saska­toon, Regina, Win­nipeg, Cal­gary, Edmon­ton, Fredric­ton, Saint John, Monc­ton, Char­lot­te­town, Québec, Hal­i­fax and St. John’s. Details on his trav­els and con­sul­ta­tions with CCA mem­bers and arts sup­port­ers are shared in his blog.

The Cana­dian Con­fer­ence of the Arts would like to thank its sup­port­ers who hosted and assisted in the orga­ni­za­tion of the pub­lic con­sul­ta­tions across the coun­try. Our most sin­cere grat­i­tude goes to: Bel­fry The­atre, Alliance for Arts and Cul­ture, Sco­tia­Bank Dance Cen­tre, Perse­phone The­atre, La Troupe du

Jour, MacKen­zie Art Gallery, Saskatchewan Arts Alliance, Cen­tre franco-manitobain, On Screen Man­i­toba, ACI Manitoba,Folk Exchange, Cal­gary Arts Devel­op­ment, Jan­ice Beaton Fine Cheese and Wine Ink, Bor­den Lad­ner Ger­vais LLP (Cal­gary), Alberta Craft Coun­cil, Prince of Wales Armouries, Char­lotte St. Arts Cen­tre, St. John City Hall, Monc­ton City Hall, Bea­cons­field His­toric House and Nep­tune Theatre.

The CCA grate­fully acknowledges

for its spon­sor­ship of the National Director’s tour

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