
Message from the President
The President of the CCA’s Board of Directors, Kathleen Sharpe, addresses the challenges currently facing the CCA. Read on!
CCA Spotlight
Municipal Cultural Investment in Five Large Canadian Cities - a study comparing cities with the largest number of cultural workers and artists in Canada – Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto, Ottawa and Montréal. The report was released in January 2012 by Hill Strategies Research.
The Visual Arts Alliance (VAA), the umbrella organization of Canadian visual arts associations, organized Re-visioning the Visual Arts as a colloquium on the future of the visual arts in Canada. The final report on this September 2011 event is now available online.
Europe and gender equality highlights efforts in Europe to address the issues of gender representation, wage equality and more.
The Impact of Digital Media on the Performing Arts - a study on the impact and the opportunities presented by digital media on the Canadian performing arts community, most specifically on theatre.
Orchestras Canada maintains a page of links to cultural statistics and research.
The National Director’s Tour
Alain Pineau is back in the office after his cross-country tour. Details on his travels and consultations with CCA members and arts supporters are shared in his blog.
Watch out for …
Art and the Quality of Life will be the focus of an upcoming analysis by the CCA. Stay tuned.
Featured Member
Every month, the CCA profiles a different member. This month’s featured member is Roland Mahé, artistic director of Le Cercle Molière in Winnipeg, Manitoba. As Mahé prepares to retire this year, the CCA pays tribute to him and his contribution to Canadian arts and culture.
Recent Bulletins
Update on Canada / EU negotiations : The culture angle February 21, 2012
What to expect with the return of the House in Ottawa? January 27, 2012
The Standing Committee on Finance Report and the Arts December 19, 2011
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