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Fallout from the Federal Budget… Continues

Fallout from the Federal Budget… Continues

CCA Bulletin 08/12

The CCA continues to identify the cultural impacts of federal budget. On April 30th, several departments and agencies announced a third wave of cuts to the federal public service. Today, the statistics we need and impacts on collective memory.

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Other Consequences of the Federal Budget

Other Consequences of the Federal Budget

CCA Bulletin 07/12

In the wake of the budget presented on March 29, Finance Minister Jim Flaherty tabled yesterday a Bill that puts into place some the budget initiatives. Food inspection has attracted a great deal of attention but in the cultural sector there are two measures in particular that we would like to highlight.

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The Federal Budget 2012–13 and Culture

The Federal Budget 2012–13 and Culture

CCA Bulletin 06/12

Budget day has finally arrived. The verdict has been handed down. Much of the economic news was eclipsed by the abolition of the penny. However there was good news and bad news. Read on to find out how the new budget will affect the arts, culture and heritage.

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The Economic Spring for Culture

The Economic Spring for Culture

CCA Bulletin 05/12

There is summer, the harvest season, the cold season and the season of budgets. Over the last two weeks we have read four provincial budgets and tomorrow will be the federal budget. This bulletin is to do a quick recap of the place of culture and arts of the most recent provincial budgets presented in spring 2012, those in Quebec, Saskatchewan, Ontario and New Brunswick.

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C-11 Legislative Committee on copyright: week one

C-11 Legislative Committee on copyright: week one

CCA Bulletin 04/12

The first week of consultations on Bill C-11 saw the first 24 witnesses invited to present their views. The process is moving quickly and will continue at this pace as the government fast tracks the Bill.

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Update on Canada/EU negotiations: the culture angle

Update on Canada/<span class="caps">EU</span> negotiations: the culture angle

CCA Bul­letin 03/12 Feb­ru­ary 21, 2012 Just the facts Some encour­ag­ing news con­cern­ing the sta­tus of cul­ture in the on-going trade nego­ti­a­tions between Canada and the Euro­pean Union! The CCA learned dur­ing the brief­ing ses­sion held by the Depart­ment of For­eign Affairs and Inter­na­tional Trade (DFAIT) that: • It is more than likely that, with the sup­port of some Euro­pean coun­tries, Canada will be able to include a direct ref­er­ence to the UNESCO Dec­la­ra­tion on Cul­tural Diver­sity at...

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Copyright reform: the government fast-tracks the process

CCA Bul­letin 02/12 Feb­ru­ary 15, 2012 Just the facts Bill C-11, known as the Copy­right Mod­ern­iza­tion Act,  was adopted at sec­ond read­ing yes­ter­day after the gov­ern­ment imposed a limit to the debate last week. All oppo­si­tion par­ties voted against, but the bill was adopted thanks to the gov­ern­ment major­ity. Barely hours after the vote, the spe­cial Leg­isla­tive Com­mit­tee met to estab­lish its work plan and once again, the gov­ern­ment major­ity could over­come oppo­si­tion par­ties’...

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What to expect with the return of the House in Ottawa?

CCA Bulletin 01/12 January 27, 2012 highlights federal legislation on the horizon: Bill C-11, new CRA guidelines for arts organizations and potential changes at the CRTC.

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FROM THE DESK OF Alain Pineau: A little of this, a little of that …

CCA Bul­letin 33/11 Decem­ber 1, 2011 Well, this week has been a lit­tle dif­fer­ent than oth­ers. For once, I was able to put aside my pri­mary pre­oc­cu­pa­tion of the last few months – the rein­ven­tion and finan­cial auton­omy of the CCA (I will come back to that at the end of this bul­letin!) – to par­tic­i­pate in other forums where the stakes were just as important. This started Mon­day morn­ing with a half-day ses­sion on the impor­tance and the chal­lenges of pub­lic broad­cast­ers. This event was...

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Federal budget: Economic and Fiscal Update and the Second Set of Supplementary Estimates

CCA Bul­letin 32/11 Novem­ber 17, 2011 Just the facts Last week, the gov­ern­ment released its Update of Eco­nomic and Fis­cal Pro­jec­tions. One main mes­sage emerged from the doc­u­ment:  owing to con­tin­ued weak­ness in the global econ­omy, down­ward revi­sions for eco­nomic growth in Canada and con­sid­er­able eco­nomic uncer­tainty going for­ward, the gov­ern­ment will not return to fis­cal bal­ance until 2015–2016, a year later than pro­jected in Bud­get 2011. This does not alter the seri­ous­ness...

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