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Arden Ryshpan

Trea­surer & Chair of the Finance Committee (Ontario)

Arden Ryshpan has worked in the film industry for nearly 25 years in a variety of capacities, with production credits on over 30 feature films and televisions projects. While chair of the National ACTRA Women's Committee, she wrote and presented a paper on the status of female performing artists, which led to the development of a charter of rights for female performers, now endorsed by actors unions in over 50 countries. Arden was on the board of directors of the Dome Theatre of Dawson College and was a faculty member in the drama department. In her previous capacity as eastern regional executive director for the ACTRA Performers Guild, she was one of the union's senior negotiators. After a period of time as assistant director general of the English Program at the National Film Board, she became the on location production liaison for ACTRA Montreal and the STCVQ, representing their interests in their dealings with the Hollywood majors. She was previously the executive in charge of directors affairs for the National Directors Division of the Directors Guild of Canada, where she was responsible for negotiations, lobbying and international representation for Canada’s film and television directors. In September of 2007, she was appointed executive director of the Cana­dian Actors’ Equity Asso­ci­a­tion. In addi­tion to her mem­ber­ship on the CCA board, she also sits on the Senior Advi­sory Com­mit­tee for CARFAC Ontario.