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Between Public Diplomacy and Nation Branding: a New Way of Thinking the Internationalization of Canadian Culture

The Sym­po­sium on the Role of the Arts and Cul­ture in Pub­lic Diplo­macy held by the CCA on Novem­ber 22, 2007, clearly demon­strated a con­sen­sus among the art and cul­ture sec­tor con­cern­ing the impor­tance of inter­na­tional activ­i­ties for Cana­dian artists. How to best achieve this goal was, and remains, the main point of dis­cus­sion. Many del­e­gates at the Sym­po­sium stressed the need for bet­ter coor­di­na­tion between the var­i­ous play­ers in this field, the impor­tance of main­tain­ing strong net­works world-wide, and the neces­sity to...

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The Regional Forums with the National Director

In the fall of 2008, the CCA’s National Direc­tor  invited its mem­bers and var­i­ous stake­hold­ers in arts and cul­ture to meet for a series of pub­lic forums. Forums took place between the Octo­ber 17 and Decem­ber 5 in the fol­low­ing cities: Ottawa, Van­cou­ver, Edmon­ton, Calgary, Regina, Mon­tréal, Toronto, Win­nipeg, Saska­toon, Hal­i­fax, St. John’s, Moncton, Charlottetown and Fredericton. To start a pub­lic dis­cus­sion about the  arts and cul­ture sec­tor, the fol­low­ing ques­tions were asked at each session: What is the cur­rent cli­mate...

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National Cultural Strategy Workshop

Tak­ing place in Ottawa on March 12, 2009, the National Cul­tural Strat­egy Work­shop was a pro­duc­tive day of dis­cus­sion on the short-term and long-term chal­lenges now fac­ing the Cana­dian cul­tural sector. The CCA brought stake­hold­ers  together from around Canada to con­tinue the process of con­sen­sus build­ing ini­ti­ated through the 2008 Regional Forums. Over 110 peo­ple from all dis­ci­plines, orga­ni­za­tions and  regions par­tic­i­pated in the event by Anne L’Ecuyer  from Amer­i­can for the Arts. A num­ber of pol­icy...

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Artists: Powering the Creative Economy

The CCA’s 2010 National Pol­icy Con­fer­ence, Artists: Powering the Cre­ative Econ­omy?, gath­ered over 150 del­e­gates from across the coun­try for two days of intense dis­cus­sion, debate and exchange. The theme focused on the cre­ative econ­omy and the pol­icy struc­tures needed for Cana­dian artists and cre­ators to thrive within this emerg­ing framework. Read the  full con­fer­ence sum­mary here.

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Provincial Cultural Policy: Then and Now

      Date: June 20, 2011 Time: 5 pm — 6:30 pm Loca­tion: Uni­ver­sity of Ottawa, Des­marais Build­ing, 12th floor, Room 110 Provin­cial inter­ven­tions in the cul­tural pol­icy field have been exten­sive over the past sev­eral decades, yet have been largely ignored in com­par­a­tive stud­ies of pol­icy and admin­is­tra­tion. This ses­sion will high­light the first major com­pre­hen­sive Cana­dian study of the evo­lu­tion of cul­tural pol­icy and admin­is­tra­tion in all ten provinces and three ter­ri­to­ries. To pro­vide a glimpse into this...

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Election 2011: What about arts and culture?

      Date: April 20, 2011 Time: 5 pm — 6:30 pm Loca­tion: Uni­ver­sity of Ottawa, Des­marais Build­ing, 12th floor, Room 110 With the 2011 fed­eral elec­tion set to take place on May 2, the polit­i­cal land­scape in Canada will inevitably change. No mat­ter the out­come, the arts, cul­ture and her­itage sec­tor will be impacted in one way or another. As it now stands how­ever, are the arts even a pri­or­ity for the country’s lead­ing polit­i­cal parties? Join us as we seek to answer this ques­tion and more dur­ing a bilin­gual debate with local elec­tion...

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C-32: An Act to modernize or to expropriate copyright?

      Date: Jan­u­ary 25, 2011 Time: 5 pm — 6:30 pm Loca­tion: Uni­ver­sity of Ottawa, Des­marais Build­ing, 12th floor, Room 110 Join us in a debate on Bill C-32, a bill before Par­lia­ment to mod­ern­ize the Copy­right Act. You will hear a vari­ety of per­spec­tives on this con­tro­ver­sial issue from a panel of artists, legal experts and rep­re­sen­ta­tives from the edu­ca­tion community. In its cur­rent form, Bill C-32 pro­poses sev­eral excep­tions for edu­ca­tional insti­tu­tions and other users that will allow for more free use of copy­righted...

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Art, Science and Business – An interdisciplinary dialogue

Date: Octo­ber 12, 2010 Time: 5 pm — 6:30 pm Loca­tion: Uni­ver­sity of Ottawa, Des­marais Build­ing, 12th floor, Room 110 One of Europe’s great­est artis­tic institutions, the Akademie Schloss Soli­tude in Stuttgar­tis a pub­lic foun­da­tion that seeks to pro­mote and fund young artists through inter­na­tional res­i­dence fel­low­ships and by orga­niz­ing pub­lic per­for­mances, read­ings, con­certs and exhi­bi­tions by its residents. Since 1990, the Akademie has hosted more than 900 cre­ators from all artis­tic dis­ci­plines (visual arts,...

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Of What Use is a National Gallery in Canada?

the NGC seeks to make art accessible to all corners of the county and further educate the public on the visual arts. However, in the context of today’s society and technology, what role does the Gallery play? Marc Mayer, the director and CEO of the NGC will answer this question as he leads a discussion outlining the relevance of the Gallery and his vision for it as it continues to grow and develop.

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