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Provincial Cultural Policy: Then and Now




Date: June 20, 2011
Time: 5 pm — 6:30 pm
Loca­tion: Uni­ver­sity of Ottawa, Des­marais Build­ing, 12th floor, Room 110

Provin­cial inter­ven­tions in the cul­tural pol­icy field have been exten­sive over the past sev­eral decades, yet have been largely ignored in com­par­a­tive stud­ies of pol­icy and admin­is­tra­tion. This ses­sion will high­light the first major com­pre­hen­sive Cana­dian study of the evo­lu­tion of cul­tural pol­icy and admin­is­tra­tion in all ten provinces and three ter­ri­to­ries. To pro­vide a glimpse into this research project, mem­bers of the study team will pro­vide a snap­shot of provin­cial cul­tural inter­ven­tions in four juris­dic­tions — Que­bec, Ontario, Saskatchewan and Man­i­toba — focus­ing on:

  • Ori­gins and con­cep­tions of ‘cul­ture’ and its trans­la­tion into pub­lic policies;
  • Ratio­nale and objec­tives of provin­cial and ter­ri­to­r­ial cul­tural policy;
  • Fea­tures of ‘cul­tural’ pub­lic admin­is­tra­tion in selected jurisdictions;
  • Key chal­lenges fac­ing provin­cial and ter­ri­to­r­ial cul­tural policy.

His­tory and devel­op­ments in this field are often rel­a­tively unknown from one province/territory to another, and this ses­sion will pro­vide an oppor­tu­nity to gain insight into the evo­lu­tion of an increas­ingly impor­tant and com­plex ele­ment of Canada’s cul­tural landscape.


Mon­ica Gat­tinger, School of Polit­i­cal Stud­ies, Uni­ver­sity of Ottawa

Diane Saint-Pierre, Insti­tut national de la recherche sci­en­tifique– Urban­i­sa­tion, Cul­ture et Société

M. Sharon Jean­notte, Cen­tre on Gov­er­nance, Uni­ver­sity of Ottawa

*Please note that this ses­sion will be bilingual.

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