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C-32: An Act to modernize or to expropriate copyright?




Date: Jan­u­ary 25, 2011
Time: 5 pm — 6:30 pm
Loca­tion: Uni­ver­sity of Ottawa, Des­marais Build­ing, 12th floor, Room 110

Join us in a debate on Bill C-32, a bill before Par­lia­ment to mod­ern­ize the Copy­right Act. You will hear a vari­ety of per­spec­tives on this con­tro­ver­sial issue from a panel of artists, legal experts and rep­re­sen­ta­tives from the edu­ca­tion community.

In its cur­rent form, Bill C-32 pro­poses sev­eral excep­tions for edu­ca­tional insti­tu­tions and other users that will allow for more free use of copy­righted mate­r­ial. Many are argu­ing that the bill will pro­vide both stu­dents and teach­ers access to the tools, cre­ative con­tent and media needed to enrich their learn­ing envi­ron­ment and fos­ter the devel­op­ment of the knowl­edge econ­omy. Mean­while, artists and cre­ators are con­vinced that by allow­ing their orig­i­nal works to be used with­out any form of com­pen­sa­tion, C-32 is a threat to Cana­dian cre­ativ­ity and to their livelihood.

This forum will allow both sides to present their point of view and will offer a unique oppor­tu­nity to dis­cuss the impact of copy­right law on artists, stu­dents, teach­ers and you.


Roanie Levy — Gen­eral Coun­sel and Direc­tor, Pol­icy and Exter­nal Affairs, Access Copyright

John Degen — Poet and novelist

J. Aidan O’Neill — Part­ner, Fasken Mar­tineau DuMoulin LLP

Spencer Keys — Gov­ern­ment Rela­tions Offi­cer, Cana­dian Alliance of Stu­dent Associations

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