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National Con­fer­ence for Visual Artists & Art Lawyers
June 8th – 10th, Lord Elgin Hotel, Ottawa

Those of you who fol­low us on Twit­ter and/or Face­book may have already heard of the upcom­ing Art + Law con­fer­ence orga­nized by CARFAC National that will be held in Ottawa from June 8–10. From read­ing our bul­letins and Mag­a­zine, you would also know that we have been par­tic­u­larly active on the copy­right file dur­ing the last few years in Canada and inter­na­tion­ally, avidly watch­ing, report­ing and analysing the devel­op­ments of C-11.

It seemed nat­ural then that we would part­ner with CARFAC and engage our net­work and exper­tise towards the suc­cess of the con­fer­ence, in par­tic­u­lar towards the copy­right panel. Other top­ics that will be dis­cussed dur­ing the three day event are labour rela­tions and artist’s resale rights, which I am sure will inter­est many of you out there!

Still, if you can’t make it to Ottawa that week­end there are ways to take part in the dis­cus­sions. Both the copy­right and labour rela­tions pan­els will be open to a live inter­ac­tive debate where artists and legal experts are invited to con­tribute ques­tions via twit­ter at  #artlaw.

You can view the full sched­ule and reg­is­ter for the event on CARFAC’s web­site.

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