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Building Bridges: Cultural Industry Leaders Meet Educators and Trainers

The Cul­tural Human Resources Coun­cil (CHRC) will once again be “Build­ing Bridges” between cul­tural lead­ers and educators/trainers at its national HR Forum in Toronto on Sep­tem­ber 27 and 28, 2012. Reg­is­ter Now!

The focus of this unique gath­er­ing of cul­tural lead­ers, key edu­ca­tors and pol­icy mak­ers from across the coun­try will be train­ing needs and gaps in the sector.


  • pre­sen­ta­tions on best practices,
  • thought­ful dis­course and
  • provoca­tive discussion,

the Forum will

  • high­light exam­ples of industry/education col­lab­o­ra­tion that respond to imme­di­ate indus­try needs,
  • exam­ine the impor­tance of pro­fes­sional devel­op­ment and men­tor­ships, and
  • encour­age par­tic­i­pants to press for solu­tions to train­ing challenges.

In a highly com­pet­i­tive global mar­ket­place, Cana­dian cul­tural prod­ucts are strong con­tenders, but the key to our con­tin­u­ing suc­cess is that our work­ers be on the cut­ting edge of cre­ation, inno­va­tion and pro­duc­tion of cul­tural content.

CHRC’s HR Forum 2012 offers a unique oppor­tu­nity for cul­tural and edu­ca­tional lead­ers to net­work with col­leagues and col­lab­o­ra­tors, and share their suc­cesses and challenges.

Take a look at the pro­gramme and then reg­is­ter. And don’t for­get to check who else is attend­ing.

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