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CCA : Call for interest

Dear mem­bers and friends of the Cana­dian Con­fer­ence of the Arts,

On Octo­ber 30th, I had the sad duty to inform you that given the cir­cum­stances, the Board of the CCA had come to the con­clu­sion that it had to imme­di­ately cease the oper­a­tions of the Sec­re­tariat and put the orga­ni­za­tion in a state of sus­pended life. I can now report that we have com­pleted all required steps to do that.

We have said farewell to our won­der­ful staff and interns, we have met all our legal oblig­a­tions and sent key doc­u­ments to the National Archives, which already held our his­tory since the early 1940s. Thanks to a gen­er­ous mem­ber organ­i­sa­tion, our web­site will remain acces­si­ble, but it will of course not be updated any­more. And we have ensured that the Provin­cial and Ter­ri­to­r­ial Bud­gets Analy­ses we were work­ing on will see the light of day as sched­uled in Feb­ru­ary 2013, thanks to an agree­ment with the Uni­ver­sity of Ottawa’s Cen­tre on Governance.

Last Fri­day, we put in place a care­taker Board of Gov­er­nors com­prised of:

Kath­leen Sharpe, President

Luc Fortin, Vice President

Arden Rysh­pan, Treasurer,

Skip Kutz, Secretary

Robert Spick­ler, Past President

Tom McFall

Nicole Mati­a­tion

Clothilde Car­di­nal

We remain con­vinced that the Cana­dian cul­tural sec­tor needs an over­ar­ch­ing organ­i­sa­tion like the CCA and our dear­est hope is that some­one will rise to the chal­lenge of reac­ti­vat­ing it under what­ever new form. Accord­ingly, we have com­mit­ted to pre­serv­ing the legal entity and char­i­ta­ble sta­tus in good stand­ing until March 2014.

We take pride in the great accom­plish­ments of this his­tor­i­cal orga­ni­za­tion and we have done every­thing pos­si­ble to facil­i­tate the even­tual return to its oper­a­tions. We will gladly receive and con­sider any seri­ous offer to do so: any­one inter­ested should con­tact me directly.


Kath­leen Sharpe


  1. Charlotte Wilson-Hammond says:

    Sad news indeed! Hav­ing been a mem­ber of the CCA for years, since the ’80’s, and hav­ing served on the Board and the Exec­u­tive I feel I have to agree that Canada needs an all inclu­sive arts orga­ni­za­tion that can reflect the con­cerns and needs of the Cul­tural Sec­tor to the Gov­ern­ment. And it has to be an arms’ length advo­cacy orga­ni­za­tion.
    Sadly, the ‘Harper’ gov­ern­ment does not agree and this is just another move to wipe out what is per­ceived as oppo­si­tion to mono-minded ‘gov­ern­ment’ pol­icy.
    Let’s hope at the next elec­tion that Canada does not for­get the slow ero­sion of inde­pen­dent and cre­ative thinking!

  2. Graham Kelsey says:

    Thank you, Kath­leen, for keep­ing us informed of the sad but busi­ness like deci­sions the Board has taken. I remain com­mit­ted to offer­ing such assis­tance as a mere indi­vid­ual mem­ber can for some kind of resurrection.

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