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Art + Law Conference

Those of you who fol­low us on Twit­ter and/or Face­book may have already heard of the upcom­ing Art + Law con­fer­ence orga­nized by CARFAC National that will be held in Ottawa from June 8–10. From read­ing our bul­letins and Mag­a­zine, you would also know that we have been par­tic­u­larly active on the copy­right file dur­ing the last few years in Canada and inter­na­tion­ally, avidly watch­ing, report­ing and analysing the devel­op­ments of C-11.

It seemed nat­ural then that we would part­ner with CARFAC and engage our net­work and exper­tise towards the suc­cess of the con­fer­ence, in par­tic­u­lar towards the copy­right panel. Other top­ics that will be dis­cussed dur­ing the three day event are labour rela­tions and artist’s resale rights, which I am sure will inter­est many of you out there! As a ben­e­fit of your CCA mem­ber­ship, we have made sure that you are eli­gi­ble to reg­is­ter at the spe­cial early bird rate of $75 or $50 for students.

Still, if you can’t make it to Ottawa that week­end there are ways to take part in the dis­cus­sions. Both the copy­right and labour rela­tions pan­els will be open to a live inter­ac­tive debate where artists and legal experts are invited to con­tribute ques­tions via twit­ter at  #artlaw.

Addi­tion­ally, CARFAC has launched an excit­ing con­test for emerg­ing artists and law stu­dents. Four travel bur­saries of up to $500 each will be awarded, two for emerg­ing artists and two for law stu­dents. To win, con­tes­tants must upload a video to Youtube explain­ing why CARFAC is impor­tant to them. The videos with the most likes as of April 6th will be the winners.

Con­test Rules:

  • Only emerg­ing artists and law stu­dents are eligible.
  • Videos should be on the pos­i­tive impact of CARFAC’s pro­grams and ser­vices on visual artists in Canada.
  • All videos must include CARFAC’s web address.
  • Bur­sary recip­i­ents must attend the Art + Law conference.
  • Only one bur­sary may be awarded per participant.
  • The amount of the bur­sary will not exceed the amount of the participant’s travel expenses and con­fer­ence fee.
  • A bur­sary form must be filled out and sent to com­mu­ni­ca­tions at car­fac dot ca
  • Con­test dead­line: April 6th
  • When pro­mot­ing your video on twit­ter, use our hash­tag: #art­law.

I strongly urge you to vote for your favorite video and to for­ward this infor­ma­tion to any and all of your net­works to ensure the par­tic­i­pa­tion of the next gen­er­a­tion to this impor­tant event.

I must say that we enjoy work­ing together with CARFAC on this sec­toral con­fer­ence and look for­ward to sim­i­larly sup­port­ing other events our mem­bers have planned for the future. By all means, send me an email, tweet or Face­book mes­sage about your upcom­ing events and let us together find a way the CCA can  best serve you.


Alessia Bon­gio­vanni
Project Devel­op­ment Coordinator


  1. Theresie Tungilik says:

    Is this 2012 or 13?


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