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Editor’s Note

“The pur­pose of art is the grad­ual life­long con­struc­tion of a state of won­der and seren­ity.”

Glenn Gould, musician

Here it is! Our last issue before the fall. Yes, the mag­a­zine takes a break for the sum­mer, but we will be hold­ing up the fort and keep­ing vigil for any news over the sum­mer. We will keep you informed via our Bulletins.

Our Fea­tured mem­ber this month and for the sum­mer is the Cul­tural Human Resources Coun­cil (CHRC). The Coun­cil is also in a tran­si­tion phase and is in the process of prepar­ing for a forum that will take place in Sep­tem­ber, which we hope, will be very pop­u­lar and will help build bridges between edu­ca­tors and indus­tries. Maybe you don’t have to be an engi­neer to build bridges but you need to be inge­nious! Susan Annis tells about this upcom­ing event.

We are con­tin­u­ing our series with Denis Bertrand, our audi­ence devel­op­ment expert who has sub­mit­ted a sec­ond col­umn on the sub­ject The Pub­lic: An Ally first, Then a Con­sumer.

Danielle Des­jardins is a new con­trib­u­tor. She is a con­sul­tant spe­cial­iz­ing in media. She writes a blog where she delves into her reflec­tions on the inter­sec­tions between cul­ture, the media, and tech­nol­ogy. The arti­cle that we present to you, Con­tent is King? Depends on Your Point of View, was pre­vi­ously pub­lished on the blog for MIXMEDIA Mon­tréal, a con­fer­ence by Pro­duc­tions Even­tia Inc. on the topic of dig­i­tal con­tent which took place on May 17th in Montréal.

Barbora Pola­chova, our Prague cor­re­spon­dent has given us 10 sug­ges­tions of cul­tural des­ti­na­tions that aren’t to be missed in Europe this summer.

I’d like to leave you by wish­ing you a beau­ti­ful sum­mer. I’m sure it will be busy but make sure to enjoy some of it as well!


Anne-Marie Des Roches

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