CCA Board of Governors Elections Begin Today
Bulletin 7/05
Ottawa, February 7, 2005 — It’s time to chose the hearts and minds that will help guide the
Canadian Conference of the Arts over the next three years. Elections for the CCA’s board of
governors begin today, and the voting period will run through February 25, 2005.
Individual and organizational members can cast their ballots at the CCA’s election website
( At the election website, you will find the full slate of 16 candidates,
along with a brief bio and a personal statement of intent for each individual.
CCA members have been provided with usernames and passwords by email and “snail” mail
over the last few weeks that will allow them to log into the voting site. A reminder is being
sent with the Winter 2005 edition of Blizzart, which will be mailed to members this week. If
you have not received your voting information, please contact Julie Cayouette, Executive
Assistant (by phone at 613.238.3561 ext. 20, or by email at
How to vote
Voting is easy! Just follow these simple steps:
- Go to (or click on the Elections icon at
- Log into the election site by entering your username and password and clicking on the “Login” button.
- Get to know the candidates by clicking on their names. A pop-up box will open, featuring their biographical information and statements of intent. (If you have a pop-up blockeron your web browser, you may have to temporarily allow pop-ups to see this information.)
- Select up to eight candidates from the slate of nominees by checking the box beside their name.
- Logout when you have finished.
Why your vote counts
Selecting the makeup of the board is a key benefit, and a decisive responsibility for CCA
members. The board of the CCA is responsible for the organization’s governance, and is
entrusted with the organization’s highest level of decision-making and legal authority. The
board establishes policy directives for the organization in accordance with the CCA’s Strategic
Plan, and uses the expertise of individual board members to enhance the knowledge and
ability of the board as a body, ensuring the organization continues to thrive and progress.
The board of governors is elected for a three year term, and may serve two consecutive terms.
The board is composed of eight elected voting members, and three to five voting members
appointed by the board to ensure balance.
Results of the CCA elections will be announced by Bulletin to CCA members in March, 2005.
Have your voice heard
If you are not a member, but would like to have your voice heard on the future of the
organization, we encourage you to join the CCA. Any individual or organization that joins the
CCA before February 25, 2005, will be eligible to vote in these elections.
For information on becoming a member of the CCA, visit the membership page on our
website at, or contact Jessica Pancoe, CCA membership
coordinator by phone at 613.238.3561 ext. 10, or by email at