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The Canadian Conference of the Arts Welcomes a New National Director

Bul­letin 44/05

Ottawa, Novem­ber 9, 2005 – The Cana­dian Con­fer­ence of the Arts, the most impor­tant interest-based
coali­tion aimed at pro­mot­ing arts and cul­ture in Canada, is pleased to announce the appoint­ment of
Alain Pineau as National Direc­tor.
Mr. Pineau comes to the CCA with an impres­sive track record in broad­cast­ing, cul­tural indus­tries and
vol­un­teerism in the arts. At the Cana­dian Broad­cast­ing Cor­po­ra­tion, he was, amongst other things,
Man­ag­ing Edi­tor of National News for French Radio, Vice Pres­i­dent, Plan­ning and Reg­u­la­tory Affairs
and Asso­ciate Vice Pres­i­dent for Regional Broad­cast­ing Oper­a­tions. Until very recently, he was found­ing
Direc­tor of Galaxie, CBC’s first for profit music dis­tri­b­u­tion net­work. Dur­ing his career with the pub­lic
broad­caster, he has worked in Mon­tréal, Paris and Ottawa. Mr. Pineau holds a bachelor’s degree from
the Uni­ver­sité de Mon­tréal and a mas­ter from Oxford. For 12 years, he sat on the board of Opera Lyra
Ottawa and from 1992 till 2005; he rep­re­sented the CBC on the Board of Gov­er­nors of the Gov­er­nor
General’s Per­form­ing Arts Awards Foun­da­tion.
CCA Pres­i­dent Robert Spick­ler wel­comes Alain Pineau’s appoint­ment: “Alain comes to us with a great
deal of expe­ri­ence in pub­lic broad­cast­ing as well as in vol­un­teerism in the cul­tural area. His abil­i­ties,
com­bined with his infec­tious energy and enthu­si­asm, have made him a unan­i­mous choice for the Board.
The Board of Gov­er­nors has asked Alain to revi­tal­ize links with the arts com­mu­nity and the cul­tural
indus­tries of Canada in order to pro­mote pub­lic debate on the cul­tural community’s major issues.“
Out­go­ing Pres­i­dent Denise Roy, who chaired the Search Com­mit­tee, made the fol­low­ing com­ments on
the selec­tion process: “Alain Pineau is the unan­i­mous choice of the Com­mit­tee that included Robert
Spick­ler, two Board mem­bers, Bastien Gilbert and Lori Bax­ter, as well as Joce­lyn Har­vey, CCA life
mem­ber. The search was exhaus­tive and thor­ough, and both Com­mit­tee and Board are extremely
pleased with the results. “
Alain Pineau, who has taken office on Novem­ber 7, says: “I look for­ward to the chal­lenges ahead. I
assume the duties of National Direc­tor know­ing that the CCA is a forum for the exchange of ideas on
cul­ture, a dynamic envi­ron­ment to reflect on the devel­op­ment of cul­tural poli­cies and, for the
gov­ern­ment of Canada, the main voice for the arts and cul­ture com­mu­nity. I know I can count on the
sup­port of a skilled Board of Gov­er­nors and a moti­vated staff to help me achieve the stated objec­tives. “
Mr. Spick­ler also wishes to express the Board’s pro­found grat­i­tude to Andrew David Ter­ris, who served
as act­ing Direc­tor in the last few months, as well as to the entire CCA staff in Ottawa who ded­i­cated all
its ener­gies to the ser­vice of the orga­ni­za­tion and its members.

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