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Spring and Renewal



The National Director’s Blog

spring renewal There are big changes hap­pen­ing at the CCA. Read Alain Pineau’s lat­est blog post Rein­vent­ing the CCA: an update to learn more about our ongo­ing efforts to imple­ment our new strate­gic plan.


CCA Spot­light

Read CCA Board mem­ber and Alberta Craft Coun­cil Exec­u­tive Direc­tor, Tom McFall’s per­spec­tive on the recent Cul­ture Forum 2012 that took place in Alberta. Alberta: busi­ness and cul­ture, two pre­oc­cu­pa­tions of the Red­ford con­ser­v­a­tive gov­ern­ment.

The loss of Pierre Juneau, father of Cana­dian con­tent reg­u­la­tions served as the pre­text for a good debate on the reg­u­la­tions. Read some of what was said in the National Post and the join the debate in the com­ments sec­tion on our website.

The Inde­pen­dent Media Arts Alliance (IMAA) pub­lished a report on employ­ment stan­dards and human resources in artist-run media arts orga­ni­za­tions. Read about their find­ings about employ­ees and their remu­ner­a­tion in their Study on Employ­ment Stan­dards and Human Resource Man­age­ment Tools.

Actors and actresses are now demand­ing that their rights be enshrined in a Treaty. After the dis­ap­point­ment of the failed Diplo­matic Sum­mit of the World Intel­lec­tual Prop­erty Orga­ni­za­tion (WIPO) in 2000, Bei­jing will be the host of the next Sum­mit in June, which will most prob­a­bly adopt the new Treaty. Actors from around the world are say­ing : “It’s Time”.

March 27 is the 50th anniver­sary of World The­atre Day. Read actor John Malkovich’s mes­sage.


Watch out for …

The fed­eral bud­get is expected to be released on March 29th. Keep an eye out for the CCA’s analy­sis as well as a look at the provin­cial bud­gets being released this month.

Fea­tured Member

Every month, the CCA pro­files a dif­fer­ent mem­ber. Our fea­tured mem­ber this month is Greg Holling­shead, writer pro­fes­sor Emer­i­tus and pres­i­dent of the Writ­ers Union of Canada (TWUC). Greg has pub­lished more than five dozen sto­ries and essays in mag­a­zines and antholo­gies in Canada, the U.S., and the U.K. His book The Roar­ing Girl (Somerville House) won the 1995 Gov­er­nor General’s Award for Fiction.

Recent Bul­letins

C-11 Leg­isla­tive Com­mit­tee on copy­right: week one March 5, 2012

Update on Canada/EU nego­ti­a­tions: the cul­ture angle Feb­ru­ary 21, 2012

Copy­right reform : the gov­ern­ment fast-tracks the process Feb­ru­ary 15, 2012

Con­nect with us

The Cana­dian Con­fer­ence of the Arts is the pan-Canadian alliance link­ing the arts, cul­ture and her­itage com­mu­ni­ties. Through research, analy­ses, and informed pub­lic dis­cus­sions, we sup­port the adop­tion of poli­cies that ensure the vital­ity of the Cana­dian cul­tural sec­tor and access to cul­ture by all Canadians.


Shap­ing Canada’s Vibrant Future for Arts and Culture


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