Spring and Renewal
The National Director’s Blog
There are big changes happening at the CCA. Read Alain Pineau’s latest blog post Reinventing the CCA: an update to learn more about our ongoing efforts to implement our new strategic plan.
CCA Spotlight
Read CCA Board member and Alberta Craft Council Executive Director, Tom McFall’s perspective on the recent Culture Forum 2012 that took place in Alberta. Alberta: business and culture, two preoccupations of the Redford conservative government.
The loss of Pierre Juneau, father of Canadian content regulations served as the pretext for a good debate on the regulations. Read some of what was said in the National Post and the join the debate in the comments section on our website.
The Independent Media Arts Alliance (IMAA) published a report on employment standards and human resources in artist-run media arts organizations. Read about their findings about employees and their remuneration in their Study on Employment Standards and Human Resource Management Tools.
Actors and actresses are now demanding that their rights be enshrined in a Treaty. After the disappointment of the failed Diplomatic Summit of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in 2000, Beijing will be the host of the next Summit in June, which will most probably adopt the new Treaty. Actors from around the world are saying : “It’s Time”.
March 27 is the 50th anniversary of World Theatre Day. Read actor John Malkovich’s message.
Watch out for …
The federal budget is expected to be released on March 29th. Keep an eye out for the CCA’s analysis as well as a look at the provincial budgets being released this month.
Featured Member
Every month, the CCA profiles a different member. Our featured member this month is Greg Hollingshead, writer professor Emeritus and president of the Writers Union of Canada (TWUC). Greg has published more than five dozen stories and essays in magazines and anthologies in Canada, the U.S., and the U.K. His book The Roaring Girl (Somerville House) won the 1995 Governor General’s Award for Fiction.
Recent Bulletins
C-11 Legislative Committee on copyright: week one March 5, 2012
Update on Canada/EU negotiations: the culture angle February 21, 2012
Copyright reform : the government fast-tracks the process February 15, 2012
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