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When will a Bill on tax averaging for artists become law?

To Fol­low On May 31st, MP Tyrone Ben­skin (NDP, Jeanne– Le Ber) tabled Bill C-427 which seeks to mod­ify the Income Tax Act so that artists can aver­age their income over a max­i­mum of five years. The CCA is sup­port­ing this Bill and we invite our mem­bers to do the same by con­tact­ing the gov­ern­ment and the par­lia­men­tar­i­ans at the oppor­tune moment. This request for tax aver­ag­ing is not new. For years, the CCA and a num­ber of its mem­ber orga­ni­za­tions have been call­ing for this mea­sure that...

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10 Cultural Must Do’s across Europe this summer!

10 Cultural Must Do’s across Europe this summer!

UK / The 2012 Sum­mer Olympics; The Edin­burgh Fes­ti­val Fringe The Lon­don Olympic Games is the place to be even for cul­ture freaks! Zaha Hadid’s Lon­don Aquat­ics Cen­tre will remind you of a flow­ing river. Hurry if you want to see the famous works by Picasso, you’ve got until July 15th, or encounter Damien Hirst’s grand exhi­bi­tion, until Sep­tem­ber 9th, both at Tate. To take a rest from the sport mania envelop­ing Lon­don, visit the famous Edin­burgh Fes­ti­val Fringe tak­ing place from August 3rd to 27th....

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Share your passion. Develop your audience.

Share your passion. Develop your audience.

The Public: An Ally first, Then a Consumer

A few months ago a performing arts presenter was telling me that he was very pleased with the attendance rates at his shows which were averaging around 80%. I responded that obviously his venue was well known to the public and that they appreciated the programming.

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New rights for performers and producers:

The World Intel­lec­tual Prop­erty Organization’s Sum­mit — Take 2 After 12 years of waiting, the Diplo­matic Con­fer­ence on the pro­tec­tion of audio­vi­sual per­for­mances will meet at last in Bei­jing from June 20th to 26th 2012. Based on the arti­cles pro­vi­sion­ally approved in 2000 (19 items out of 20), Mem­ber States will have to con­firm the new arti­cle on the trans­fer of rights,  agree on three addi­tional  joint state­ments and  final­ize the admin­is­tra­tive...

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Canada/European Union negotiations – the latest news

Steve Ver­heul, Canada’s chief nego­tia­tor, gave an account to civil soci­ety rep­re­sen­ta­tives of the lat­est rounds of dis­cus­sions by tele­con­fer­ence on Thurs­day, May 3. Over­all, things are not pro­gress­ing as quickly as hoped. Nego­ti­a­tions are prov­ing to be dif­fi­cult on a num­ber of fronts, notably because the Euro­peans must first har­mo­nize their posi­tion inter­nally (at the national and sub national level) before try­ing to come to an agree­ment with us. Fur­ther talks are planned for...

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Share your passion. Develop your audience.

Share your passion. Develop your audience.

Audience development: a matter of the heart

Denis J Bertrand, consultant for audience development of art for the 50Carleton firm and previously the general director of Théâtre Action (2000-2004), pens his first monthly column on audience development, trends, and observations. Share your passion.

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Editor’s Note

Is it pos­si­ble to tra­verse a coun­try that does not end with­out per­ceiv­ing ghosts? Yves Thériault,Tayaout, son of Agaguk   As Alain Pineau has been telling you in his most recent blogs, we have numer­ous projects in devel­op­ment at the moment. One of the projects that I have been work­ing on lately is search­ing for con­trib­u­tors for our mag­a­zine. I know few peo­ple who have time to read every­thing and under­stand the issues and browse through hun­dreds of pages of reports and stud­ies, so we have...

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Beware of Amazon

By Dou­glas Gibson   Most read­ers are aware that Ama­zon is becom­ing an increas­ing force in the book busi­ness. Very few are aware just how dom­i­nant it is becom­ing. In fact, the adjec­tive “dom­i­nat­ing” seems appro­pri­ate here. As in “bul­ly­ing”. Let me explain how this has affected me, as a Cana­dian author. In Feb­ru­ary of this year Ama­zon was engaged in re-negotiating its terms with the IPG organ­i­sa­tion. IPG is a North Amer­i­can dis­trib­u­tor that han­dles scores of pub­lish­ers,...

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Arts and Education

Arts and Education

By John Hobday The first CCA con­fer­ence that I attended was in late 1967. As I recall the three key top­ics of con­cern were:  the lack of ade­quate gov­ern­ment sup­port to build on the suc­cess of Cen­ten­nial Year; the fail­ure of the media to pro­vide suf­fi­cient cov­er­age of the arts; and the lack of empha­sis on arts edu­ca­tion in our schools. Since then, the qual­ity and quan­tity of arts edu­ca­tion in Canada has, with a few excep­tions, diminished. Study after study that I have read, con­fer­ence after...

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The Realities of the Economic Crisis in the EU – What are the Impacts for the Cultural Sector?

The words “aus­ter­ity pro­gram” have become the most repeated col­lo­ca­tion across all of Europe. Major cuts to cul­ture are a real­ity in many Euro­pean gov­ern­ments and relaxed Euro­peans are being forced to adopt this new word “aus­ter­ity”. What are the actual impacts? France and Germany France and Ger­many are the only two coun­tries that do not plan on cut­ting cul­tural fund­ing. Sur­pris­ingly the bud­get for the Min­istry in France has increased by 0.9% com­pared to 2011, for a total increase of...

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