Government Spending on Culture in Canada, 1992–93 to 2002-03
Kelly Hill, Hill Strategies Research Inc.
July 2005
This report examines spending on culture by federal, provincial and municipal governments in Canada . The report’s principal focus is the change in government spending on culture between 1992 –93 and 2002 — 03. A brief overview of government cultural spending in 2002-03 is also provided. Government cultural spending by cultural sector, by level of government and by province, as well as per capita spending amounts, are examined in this report.
Unless otherwise noted, the source of the data is Statistics Canada’s Survey of Government Expenditures on Culture. Various years of this survey were examined in order to compile a 10-year history of government spending on culture. All figures are for government fiscal years (e.g., April 1, 2002 to March 31, 2003), except municipal figures, which refer to calendar years. The government spending data includes operating and capital expenditures of government departments and agencies, as well as operating and capital grants and contributions to artists and cultural organizations.
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