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Employment Insurance and the Film and Television Industry — Andrew Cash, NDP, Comment in the House of Commons

Sep­tem­ber 26th, House of Com­mons debate on changes to Employ­ment Insur­ance legislation
Andew Cash (NDP)

Let us take the $5 bil­lion TV and film indus­try which employs about 130,000 peo­ple on a project-by-project basis. In between projects, work­ers are out there hus­tling for their next gig. That is how this works. To force them from their field is to rip the mus­cle right out of the sector.

Why is the gov­ern­ment weak­en­ing the Cana­dian arts and cul­ture indus­tries just at the time when they are becom­ing world leaders?”