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Amir Ali Alibhai

Chair of the Edu­ca­tion Committee (Ontario)

2011 — 2014

In Jan­u­ary 2012, Amir Ali Alib­hai moved to Toronto  as con­sul­tant for the Aga Khan Trust for Cul­ture’s project to estab­lish the Aga Khan Museum,  sched­uled to open in Octo­ber 2013.

For three years prior to this move, Amir served as exec­u­tive direc­tor of the Greater Van­cou­ver Alliance for Arts and Cul­ture. Amir is well known to most artists through­out the Lower Main­land in BC, and across the province and the coun­try through his work as an artist, cura­tor, edu­ca­tor, vol­un­teer and pas­sion­ate con­trib­u­tor to the arts for the past twenty years.

Amir was one of the founders and past pres­i­dent of the Rungh Cul­tural Soci­ety, which pub­lished Rungh, a mag­a­zine of con­tem­po­rary dias­poric South Asian cul­ture (1992–1997), and was part of the ini­tial staff team that estab­lished and devel­oped the inno­v­a­tive Round­house Com­mu­nity Arts and Recre­ation Cen­tre .  He was a cul­tural plan­ner for the City and Dis­trict of North Vancouver’s joint North Van­cou­ver Office of Cul­tural Affairs.

He has also worked as a gallery edu­ca­tor and cura­tor at the Rich­mond Art Gallery (1989–1996), assis­tant and guest cura­tor at the Sur­rey Art Gallery (1995–1997) and as an inde­pen­dent curator/cultural writer since 1989.

As a vol­un­teer, Amir has served on var­i­ous boards and com­mit­tees through­out his career, includ­ing for sev­eral years on the board of Art­Starts in Schools and more recently, the board of the Canada Coun­cil for the Arts (2005–2008). Amir holds a bachelor’s degree in micro­bi­ol­ogy (Immunol­ogy 1985), a bachelor’s degree in fine arts (Paint­ing 1989) and a master’s degree in cur­ricu­lum stud­ies (art edu­ca­tion 2000).

To view Amir Ali Alibhai’s Face­book account, click on the icon below.