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April 2012: Erika Beatty

Photo by Kathy MacCulloch

Erika Beatty, CEO Sym­phony Nova Scotia

Our fea­tured mem­ber this month is Erika Beatty, Sym­phony Nova Scotia’s CEO, and recip­i­ent of the Canada Coun­cil for the Arts’ 2012 John Hob­day Award in Arts Man­age­ment (Men­tor­ship). The award hon­ours excel­lence in arts man­age­ment with a $10,000 grant to allow the recip­i­ent to par­tic­i­pate in pro­fes­sional devel­op­ment pro­grams and be men­tored by another arts admin­is­tra­tor.  “I can’t express how hon­oured, hum­bled, and excited I am,” says Erika.

Erika will be using the award to take an 11 week pro­fes­sional devel­op­ment leave dur­ing which she will be men­tored by Pierre Lam­oureux of Cin­e­mu­sica / Fogo­labs, one of the top con­cert film pro­duc­ers in the world. “I’m really look­ing for­ward to learn­ing all I can from Pierre and his team,” said Erika.

Dur­ing the men­tor­ship Erika hopes to learn how dig­i­tal and emerg­ing tech­nolo­gies are being used to cap­ture and share the per­form­ing arts with Cana­dian and inter­na­tional audi­ences. She will be learn­ing from Pierre how projects are han­dled from con­cep­tion through busi­ness plan­ning, exe­cu­tion, dis­tri­b­u­tion and commercialization.

We caught up with Erika to pick her brain on how she sees the sec­tor, the Nova Sco­tia Sym­phony and the CCA.

As arts admin­is­tra­tor, do you believe in tak­ing risks? Can we afford to take risks in the per­form­ing arts or do you HAVE to take risks?

We have to take risks, obvi­ously. As an admin­is­tra­tor I try to cre­ate a safe finan­cial frame­work, which con­strains artis­tic vision, but also help cre­ate con­di­tions for sus­tain­able suc­cess. So even if we can­not afford to hire a star soloist we want to work with, we should be think­ing about work with a pro­tégée, or an emerg­ing artist and help them become a star of tomorrow.

How do you see the future for Sym­phony Nova Scotia?

We are expe­ri­enc­ing a widen­ing gap between costs, which are increas­ing (infla­tion), and pub­lic fund­ing which has not increased (there­fore being eroded by infla­tion) since 2007-08.  The increas­ing rev­enues from our Foun­da­tion (thanks to a suc­cess­ful Lis­ten to the Future Endow­ment Cam­paign) are help­ing to bridge this gap, but we fell short last year and will again this year.  These are not dra­matic short­falls (less than 2% of our total bud­get) but the long term trend is worrying.

In addi­tion, we are con­cerned that cuts to the CBC will decrease aware­ness in adult audi­ences at the same time that young audi­ences are miss­ing out — edu­ca­tion pro­grams are hurt by higher tour­ing costs and decreased class­room time.

We need to develop a fourth rev­enue stream (in addi­tion to Earned Rev­enue, Pri­vate Sec­tor and Pub­lic Sec­tor).  I’m not sure what that is yet, but we’re think­ing hard about record­ing strate­gies and how to engage the dig­i­tal society.

How do you see the future of the Cana­dian cul­tural sec­tor in general?

To be per­fectly hon­est, I really don’t know right now. That’s why my men­tor­ship with Pierre at Cin­e­mu­sic in New York is so impor­tant to me. I have a feel­ing that we tend to be too inward look­ing, and that we are really miss­ing the big pic­ture.  I think we need more inter­na­tional inter­ac­tion. We need to be talk­ing to a global com­mu­nity more than we talk among our­selves, espe­cially because we are such a young nation, and we are actively seek­ing new Cana­di­ans to move here.

Do you have any mes­sages to your peers on the future of the CCA?

It’s unfor­tu­nate that the CCA has to be so pre­oc­cu­pied with its own sur­vival at the moment that it can’t fully focus on the health of its mem­bers.  It feels like the CCA needs to heed the flight atten­dants advice and “put your oxy­gen mask on before you help oth­ers”.  But I do think that the CCA is on the right track, and that Alain’s national tour, the qual­ity analy­sis and improve­ments in com­mu­ni­ca­tions show that the CCA is respond­ing to the voice of its mem­ber­ship.  I hope this is the start of a vir­tu­ous circle.

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