January 2012: Clothilde Cardinal

The inspiration for her career
I was born in Montreal to an average family. However, there was a library in the house and classical music on the radio all day long. Sometimes, our aunt would visit and she was an artisan wood engraver, which was a big deal in post-Quiet Revolution Québec. At age 10, I participated in my first “collective work” with my fellow grade five students. We worked on a mural project on the old fence at our school using old paint. I firmly believe that exposing youth to the beauty of the arts can enhance, or even determine, their life course. If this “beautiful” contamination does not inspire people to become a cultural worker, as was my case, it can make them, no doubt, a better citizen.
After studies in interpretation, I quickly realized that my place wasn’t in the spotlight, but rather behind the scenes. Being a promoter or a “conveyor of the arts”, was the best way for me to communicate my love for the arts and consequently, change the world.

The inspiration for Danse Danse
The Danse Danse series was created in 1998 by a handful of volunteers from the Montreal dance community, driven by the desire to showcase productions from Canada and abroad. Danse Danse has become the pride of the québeçois dance community. Thanks to Danse Danse and its commitment to diversifying its audience, dozens of new people are exposed to contemporary dance each year, a discipline often deemed inaccessible.
On culture and its importance in society
Arts and culture are the lungs of society. Without them, breathing becomes difficult, and the future of this society could then fade into mechanization and lose its soul! It is important to continue to protect Canadian culture through visionary cultural policies. It is a collective responsibility and a national priority, nothing less.