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Arts, Games and Change

The National Director’s Blog

The New CCA: a new style of governance

Like I wrote in my last blog, we are work­ing very hard to iden­tify what the new CCA will be. We are work­ing to ensure it will be a CCA the entire cul­tural sec­tor can be proud of and one that responds to the needs of its members…

Read on!



Editor’s note

Our first fall Mag­a­zine edi­tion enters the sea­son grace­fully. We have another arti­cle from Denis Bertrand’s con­tin­u­ing col­umn on how to know your audi­ence… social media can­not do it alone!

Is it really purely by coin­ci­dence that we have two arti­cles mak­ing ref­er­ence to the Massey-Lévesque Report in this month’s edi­tion of the Mag­a­zine? Obvi­ously, the issue is top­i­cal: it is raised by our fea­tured mem­ber of the month and in a let­ter to the edi­tor taken from the Globe and Mail…




CCA Spot­light

An overview of cul­tural pol­icy in the UK: A Tale of Coali­tion, Cuts, Cre­ative Indus­tries & Cul­tural Olympiad: We have looked at the depart­ments with juris­dic­tion over cul­ture in part as a lit­er­a­ture review, and partly through an analy­sis of the UK’s cre­ative econ­omy. Hope­fully it will pro­vide some insight on who is charged with devel­op­ing cul­tural pol­icy, how those poli­cies are inter­preted, and how the cur­rent eco­nomic sit­u­a­tion is being played out through aus­ter­ity measures…

The Secret Ingre­di­ents for Audi­ence Devel­op­ment: Will Power and Patience: Last month, through a face­book post, The Cul­tural Human Resources Coun­cil announced the Con­fer­ence Board of Canada’s 2010 ser­vice data on Envi­ron­men­tal Trends and Issues for the Cul­tural Sec­tor. The Con­fer­ence Board iden­ti­fied 15 trends or issues. You won’t be sur­prised to learn “Changes to gov­ern­ment spend­ing” and “Changes to gov­ern­ment pol­icy” came at the top of the list…

Canada must refuel for cul­tural cre­ativ­ity: A new strat­egy is needed to con­nect cre­ative tal­ent with busi­ness and tech­nol­ogy. Cul­ture is lost at Canada’s eco­nomic cross­roads. The Massey Report of 1951 cre­ated our first cul­tural “Road Map” by boldly rec­om­mend­ing the estab­lish­ment of a Canada Coun­cil to sup­port our cre­ative and inter­pre­tive artists…

Watch out for …

Launch of a new 100% online pro­gram at the Uni­ver­sity of British Columbia’s new Inter­na­tional Cen­tre for Cul­tural Plan­ning and Devel­op­ment. Take advan­tage of spe­cial rates for CCA friends and mem­bers by using the code CPFALL when reg­is­ter­ing and save 25%.

Photo by: Laura Vanags—The Banff Centre

Fea­tured Member

Sep­tem­ber 2012 has the CCA shin­ing the spot­light on Jeff Melan­son, cur­rent pres­i­dent of the Banff Centre. Turn the topic to Jeff Melan­son and most peo­ple are full of praise for his accom­plish­ments. How­ever, he would be the first to tell you that none of it would have been pos­si­ble with­out the col­lab­o­ra­tion of oth­ers. Not only that, he insists that he has got­ten more out of his pro­fes­sional expe­ri­ences than he has put into them. “The trans­for­ma­tive change that arises from art can hap­pen to us everyday.”


Recent Bul­letins

Detailed Analy­sis of the 2012 Fed­eral Bud­get: The After­shocks Are More Severe Than the Earthquake

Sept. 18, 2012

The Reopen­ing in Ottawa – What’s New?

Sept. 13, 2012

Audio­vi­sual: BCE/Astral, a Trans­ac­tion with Mul­ti­ple Dimensions

Aug. 15, 2012


Con­nect with us

The Cana­dian Con­fer­ence of the Arts is the pan-Canadian alliance link­ing the arts, cul­ture and her­itage com­mu­ni­ties. Through research, analy­ses, and informed pub­lic dis­cus­sions, we sup­port the adop­tion of poli­cies that ensure the vital­ity of the Cana­dian cul­tural sec­tor and access to cul­ture by all Canadians.

Shap­ing Canada’s Vibrant Future for Arts and Cul­ture

One Comment

  1. Andres Torres says:

    Gret to be aprt of this! Keep arts support!

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