Editor’s Note
“A man without culture is like a zebra without stripes” (African Proverb)
Our first fall Magazine edition enters the season gracefully. We have another article from Denis Bertrand’s continuing column on how to know your audience… social media cannot do it alone!
Is it really purely by coincidence that we have two articles making reference to the Massey-Lévesque Report in this month’s edition of the Magazine? Obviously, the issue is topical: it is raised by our featured member and in a letter to the editor taken from the Globe and Mail.
Our featured member this month is the new director of the prestigious Banff Centre, Jeff Melanson. Melanson addresses the second phase of the Banff Centre’s revitalization program. He talks about transformation processes, having been directly involved in that of the Royal Conservatory of Music and of the National Ballet School.
We also present an Op-Ed, written by Edgar A. Cowan, John Hobday and Ian E. Wilson, published in the September 4th edition of the Globe and Mail. The authors speak about the essential role that culture can play in the digital economy and talk about the need for a new roadmap for cultural policies. Interestingly enough, you will find similarities with the approach taken by Great Britain in developing its new cultural policies. Our Anglophone readers may have already come across the letter in the newspaper but at the CCA we want, from time to time, to share articles that may not have been shared in both languages or in other parts of the country. We want to enable conversations across the country and help readers learn about communities from all over Canada.
While watching the vast array of cultural performances at the London Olympic Games this summer, I had to ask myself what if anything will be the legacy of all that? I asked Jessica Litwin, who worked for the CCA for three years, if she could be our observer in London during the 2012 Games and explain the impact of the Olympics on culture across the pond. However, those who know Jessica Litwin know she could never be limited to only speaking about the Olympic Games. To my great excitement, Jessica has gone above and beyond what was asked of her. She has given us insight on the cultural policies feeding the Olympic Games. She also describes how the Games fit into the cultural strategies of the United Kingdom. The first part of the article is available to everyone, but the article in its entirety, is only available to members and will be available in the upcoming days.
Our next edition will be completely dedicated the CBC and the license renewal hearings at the CRTC that will start on 19th of November. Like it or not, the CBC has impacted the lives of all Canadians. If you would like to be a part of the discussion, send us an article or share your opinion on the subject on our website.
Finally, my inner hockey fan is a little devastated by the NHL lockout. But others, such as Denis Bertrand, see it as an opportunity for arts presenters. Why not install air hockey tables in the entrance of theatres? It would be a wonderful opportunity to recruit new audiences!
Happy reading!