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Bul­letin 27/05

Ottawa, June 3, 2005 — Jean Malavoy, the cur­rent National Direc­tor of the Cana­dian Con­fer­ence of the Arts, will be leav­ing the CCA on June 21st, 2005, after one year at the helm of Canada’s old­est and largest arts advo­cacy organization.

About his deci­sion to leave, Malavoy said: “I am not a per­fect fit for the CCA. Although I am very pas­sion­ate about Cana­dian cul­ture and the place of the artist within our soci­ety, I feel that my resources and exper­tise will be bet­ter uti­lized towards what I excel in: orga­niz­ing cul­tural events and pro­duc­ing shows.”
The newly elected pres­i­dent of the CCA, Andrew David Ter­ris, observed that “Jean Malavoy has worked with gen­uine energy and com­mit­ment dur­ing his time at the CCA. While we’re sad to see Jean leave, we know that he will pro­mote and defend the rights of Cana­dian artists wher­ever he goes.”
Denise Roy, past-president of the CCA, noted that “Mr. Malavoy has been a ded­i­cated pro­moter of Cana­dian cul­ture. He has worked towards the devel­op­ment of a fed­eral cul­tural pol­icy and has helped to fos­ter a lively pub­lic debate on cul­tural issues. We’re cer­tain that he will con­tinue to make strong con­tri­bu­tions to Canada’s cul­ture sec­tor in the future.”
The CCA Board of Gov­er­nors has appointed a Search Com­mit­tee to seek a new National Direc­tor and an ad hoc Exec­u­tive Com­mit­tee to over­see the organization’s man­age­ment and pol­icy activ­i­ties in the interim.

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