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The Canadian Conference of the Arts welcomes its 2008–2011 Board of Governors

CCA Bul­letin 11/08

March 26, 2008



Just the facts

The Cana­dian Con­fer­ence of the Arts (CCA) is proud to announce the com­po­si­tion of its 2008–2011 Board of Gov­er­nors. Fur­ther to the elec­tion process which took place in the sec­ond half of Feb­ru­ary and to the March 20th meet­ing of the cur­rent Board, the new Board of Gov­er­nors will be com­prised of:


Liz Bar­ron – Win­nipeg, Manitoba

Arts con­sul­tant

Michel Beau­chemin – Mon­treal, Quebec

Exec­u­tive Sec­re­tary, Asso­ci­a­tion québé­coise des auteurs dra­ma­tiques (AQAD)

Rose Bel­losillo – Toronto, Ontario

Direc­tor of Devel­op­ment, Hot Docs

Tim Bor­lase – Monc­ton, New-Brunswick

Labrador Cre­ative Arts Fes­ti­val, Per­form­ing Arts School at the Capi­tol Theatre

Rudy Buttig­nol – Van­cou­ver, British Columbia

Pres­i­dent and CEO of Knowl­edge Net­work Corporation

René Cormier – Cara­quet, New-Brunswick

Artis­tic and Exec­u­tive Direc­tor, Théâtre pop­u­laire d’Acadie

Susan Ken­nard – Banff, Alberta

Direc­tor and Exec­u­tive Pro­ducer, The Banff New Media Institute

Louise Poulin – Mon­treal, Que­bec

Arts con­sul­tant

Arden Rysh­pan – Toronto, Ontario

Exec­u­tive Direc­tor, Cana­dian Actors’ Equity Association

Kath­leen Sharpe – Toronto, Ontario

Exec­u­tive Direc­tor, Ontario Cul­tural Attrac­tions Fund

Robert Spick­ler – Mon­treal, Quebec

Cul­tural admin­is­tra­tor and past President

Philip Szporer – Mon­treal, Quebec

Writer, broad­caster, film­maker and inter­na­tional lecturer

Jason Van Eyk – Toronto, Ontario

Direc­tor, Uni­ver­sity of Toronto ArtsZone


A 14th mem­ber will be appointed in the com­ing months, fur­ther to rec­om­men­da­tions made by the Board Nom­i­nat­ing Com­mit­tee. The new Board will take over from the cur­rent one after the Annual Gen­eral Meet­ing of mem­bers, which has been sched­uled for June 12, 2008, in Toronto. A for­mal notice for the AGM will be issued within a few weeks.

The CCA wants to thank the out­go­ing Board, which had to deal with some of the most dif­fi­cult issues fac­ing the CCA in recent mem­ory. Its com­mit­ment and integrity were inte­gral to the rein­vig­o­ra­tion of the CCA and the clar­i­fi­ca­tion of its mis­sion. The CCA also wishes to thank all those who par­tic­i­pated in the Board renewal process.


Tell me more

The CCA Board is made up of a min­i­mum of 12 mem­bers and a max­i­mum of 14, includ­ing the Past Pres­i­dent. The CCA Board renewal process takes place every three years and fol­lows a two-step process.

First, CCA mem­bers are asked to cast their votes for 8 out of a slate of 16 can­di­dates put for­ward by the Nom­i­nat­ing Com­mit­tee. This year, the bal­lot took place between Feb­ru­ary 11 and 22. Excep­tion­ally, there was a tie for the eighth posi­tion, so 9 Gov­er­nors were declared elected fur­ther to the first phase of the process.

Based on the results of the elec­tion, the cur­rent Board was then asked to appoint up to four addi­tional mem­bers to com­ple­ment the new Board, tak­ing into account con­sid­er­a­tions like geo­graph­i­cal rep­re­sen­ta­tion, arts dis­ci­pline, cul­tural com­mu­nity, gen­der, etc. Given this year’s results, the cur­rent Board has decided to appoint only three addi­tional mem­bers from a sec­ond slate of names put for­ward by the Nom­i­nat­ing Com­mit­tee and has asked the Com­mit­tee to recon­vene and pro­pose addi­tional names to fill the four­teenth posi­tion, so as to opti­mize the rep­re­sen­ta­tive­ness of the Board.

The new Pres­i­dent, Vice Pres­i­dent, Sec­re­tary and Trea­surer of the CCA will be elected by the new Board at its first meet­ing, in June, fol­low­ing the Annual Gen­eral Meet­ing of Members.

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