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A Fruitful Summer

The National Director’s Blog

Sum­mer Projects

Alain dis­cusses some of the changes com­ing up over the next few months and some of the projects under development.

Read on!




The President’s Blog

Time for Change!

We are fac­ing a period of rad­i­cal change as we rein­vent the busi­ness and gov­er­nance mod­els of the CCA to make it a strong and inde­pen­dent voice…

Read on!



 Editor’s note

We will be tak­ing a break from the mag­a­zine for the sum­mer, but we will be hold­ing up the fort and keep­ing vigil for any news over the summer…




CCA Spot­light

10 Cul­tural Must Do’s across Europe this summer!

Head­ing to Europe this Sum­mer? Our cor­re­spon­dent has pre­pared a great cul­tural menu


Share your pas­sion. Develop your audience.

The Pub­lic: An Ally first, Then a Consumer


When will a Bill on tax aver­ag­ing for artists become law?

Another pri­vate bill on tax aver­ag­ing is tabled


Con­tent is King? Depends on Your Point of View

The win­ners are those that use the medium to dis­trib­ute con­tent, not the pro­duc­ers of content


Last week the CCA was fea­tured in an arti­cle in the online edi­tion of the Globe and Mail. In the arti­cle by James Adams, our National Direc­tor, Alain Pineau dis­cusses our deter­mi­na­tion to move beyond the loss of 46 years of fund­ing by the fed­eral gov­ern­ment and our guarded opti­mism about the future.

Watch out for …

The Finance Com­mit­tee has launched their 2013 Pre-Budget con­sul­ta­tion process. Cana­di­ans are invited to con­tribute to the con­sul­ta­tions online until August 3rd, 2012. As always the CCA will be mak­ing a sub­mis­sion. Watch out for news in the com­ing weeks!

Fea­tured Member

Every issue, the CCA pro­files a dif­fer­ent mem­ber. Our new fea­tured mem­ber is par­tic­u­larly close to our hearts. We are pay­ing trib­ute to an orga­ni­za­tion that got its wings from the CCA: the Cul­tural Human Resources Coun­cil (CHRC).


The CCA is excited to announce a new fea­ture on our web­site. A cal­en­dar has been added to our Upcom­ing Events sec­tion. We will be fea­tur­ing CCA events and activ­i­ties in the cal­en­dar as well as national and inter­na­tional days rec­og­niz­ing the arts, cul­ture and her­itage. We are even more excited to offer this ben­e­fit to our mem­bers. We would love to add your event to the cal­en­dar if you are a mem­ber of the CCA and have an event com­ing up that relates to one or more of the CCA’s four pil­lars: lead­er­ship and net­work­ing, knowl­edge shar­ing, gov­ern­ment rela­tions and pub­lic engage­ment in cul­ture. Just send the date, time, loca­tion, a link to the event web­site, and a brief descrip­tion of the event to

Recent Bul­letins

When the Copy­right Bill Will Be Passed and the Not So Pos­i­tive Aspects of the Bud­get for Culture

June 1, 2012

Fall­out from the Fed­eral Bud­get… Continues

May 3, 2012

Other Con­se­quences of the Fed­eral Budget

April 27, 2012

Con­nect with us

The Cana­dian Con­fer­ence of the Arts is the pan-Canadian alliance link­ing the arts, cul­ture and her­itage com­mu­ni­ties. Through research, analy­ses, and informed pub­lic dis­cus­sions, we sup­port the adop­tion of poli­cies that ensure the vital­ity of the Cana­dian cul­tural sec­tor and access to cul­ture by all Canadians.


Shap­ing Canada’s Vibrant Future for Arts and Culture

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