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Fed­eral Bud­get and Cul­ture: after­shocks worse than the earth­quake, the Cana­dian Con­fer­ence of the Arts’ fed­eral bud­get analy­sis from the per­spec­tive of arts, cul­ture and her­itage, will be released on Sep­tem­ber 18, 2012. This report is widely sought after as an author­i­ta­tive source of infor­ma­tion on fed­eral invest­ments in cul­ture and gov­ern­ment spend­ing patterns.

Due to sub­stan­tial fed­eral fund­ing in the past, we were able to offer our annual analy­sis to all and sundry on our web­site. How­ever, like so many other sim­i­lar orga­ni­za­tions, we now oper­ate under a dif­fer­ent fund­ing model for our oper­a­tions. This year, the CCA will not charge mem­bers for the analy­sis but non-members will pay $250 this year for a copy.

Next year we will charge mem­bers and non-members a yet-to-be deter­mined price. CCA mem­bers will obvi­ously ben­e­fit from a dis­count. Addi­tion­ally, in Feb­ru­ary 2013, for the first time we will release, our Annual Analy­sis of the Provin­cial and Ter­ri­to­r­ial Bud­gets from the per­spec­tive of arts, cul­ture and her­itage. These analy­ses will be sold, with a dis­count to mem­bers. The CCA will also offer “pack­ages” on com­bined pur­chases of fed­eral and provin­cial analyses.

Pre-orders are now avail­able! To order your copy of the CCA’s 2012 Fed­eral Bud­get and Cul­ture, please com­plete the order form found on our website.


Back­ground Data on the Analysis


Since the early 1990s, the CCA has pub­lished detailed analy­ses of the fed­eral bud­get viewed from the cul­tural angle. These reports exam­ine fed­eral fund­ing to the Depart­ment of Cana­dian Her­itage, cul­tural agen­cies and Crown Cor­po­ra­tions; orga­ni­za­tional and fund­ing changes within the Depart­ment of Cana­dian Her­itage and other note­wor­thy devel­op­ments affect­ing the arts, her­itage and cul­tural indus­tries. They include an overview of the bud­get, a look at the pro­grams, the main esti­mates, plans and pri­or­i­ties as well as an inter­pre­ta­tion of the gains and losses as relat­ing to arts, cul­tural and her­itage issues. The analy­sis is con­tex­tu­al­ized within the polit­i­cal, eco­nomic and social climate.




  1. CCA releases its Detailed Analysis of Federal Budget | Sept 2012 | ArtRubicon Visual Arts Magazine - [...] Cana­dian Con­fer­ence of the Arts (CCA) releases its detailed analy­sis of the Fed­eral Bud­get from the per­spec­tive of cul­ture and [...]
  2. Canadian Conference of the Arts Call to Students | ComCul Undergrad Programs Blog - [...] or frustrating cuts or investments in the cultural sector this year. The CCA has just released its Annual Federal ...