Media Centre
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Canada must refuel for cultural creativity
A new strategy is needed to connect creative talent with business and technology From the op-ed page of The Globe and Mail/September 4, 2012-Page A17 Culture is lost at Canada’s economic crossroads. The Massey Report of 1951 created our first cultural “Road Map” by boldly recommending the establishment of a Canada Council to support our creative and interpretive artists. Its recommendations also strongly encouraged a National Library and the growth of our core national cultural...
read moreThe Secret Ingredients for Audience Development: Will Power and Patience
Share your Passion. Develop your Audience. Last month, through a facebook post, The Cultural Human Resources Council announced the Conference Board of Canada’s 2010 service data on Environmental Trends and Issues for the Cultural Sector. The Conference Board identified 15 trends or issues. You won’t be surprised to learn “Changes to government spending” and “Changes to government policy” came at the top of the list. In contrast, at least five issues are related to arts marketing...
read moreDetailed Analysis of the 2012 Federal Budget: The Aftershocks Are More Severe Than the Earthquake
Detailed Analysis of the 2012 Federal Budget: The Aftershocks Are More Severe Than the Earthquake
The Canadian Conference of the Arts (CCA) releases its detailed analysis of the Federal Budget from the perspective of culture and heritage today. The 2012-2013 federal budget is the first real budget from the conservative majority government. Readers may recall that last year, to highlight the consistency of its approach, the government reintroduced its electoral budget...
read moreThe Reopening in Ottawa – What’s New?
CCA Bulletin 14/12
September, it’s the reopening. Activity multiplies; the members of parliament prepare for another session; the CRTC is holding public audiences this week on Bell’s acquisition of Astral as well as in November for CBC’s license renewals; the new seasons for theatres, orchestras, and dance begin; parliamentary committees will begin soon; and the universities return to classes.

Federal Budget and Culture: aftershocks worse than the earthquake, the Canadian Conference of the Arts’ federal budget analysis from the perspective of arts, culture and heritage, will be released on September 18, 2012. This report is widely sought after as an authoritative source of information on federal investments in culture and...
read moreAudiovisual: BCE/Astral, a Transaction with Multiple Dimensions

CCA Bulletin 13/12
In mid-September, the CRTC will be holding hearings to study BCE’s acquisition of Astral’s holdings. Why is this deal important for the cultural sector?
read moreFederal Budget 2013: The CCA Makes its Recommendations to the Finance Committee
CCA Bulletin 12/12
On June 8th, the Standing Committee on Finance initiated its pre-budget consultations by inviting all Canadians to submit their priorities for the 2013 federal budget. The CCA submitted its recommendations today and hopes to have the opportunity to appear before the Committee.
read moreFive Supreme Court Copyright Decisions: Consumers 4.5 — Artists and Creators 0.5
CCA Bulletin 11/12
Last Thursday, the Supreme Court delivered five judgments which have a considerable impact on the interpretation of copyright law in Canada. The Court’s decisions were based on the previous version of the Copyright Act, Bill C-11 not yet having been adopted at the time of the hearing, last December...
read moreBuilding Bridges: Cultural Industry Leaders Meet Educators and Trainers
The Cultural Human Resources Council (CHRC) will once again be “Building Bridges” between cultural leaders and educators/trainers at its national HR Forum in Toronto on September 27 and 28, 2012. Register Now! The focus of this unique gathering of cultural leaders, key educators and policy makers from across the country will be training needs and gaps in the sector. Through presentations on best practices, thoughtful discourse and provocative discussion, the Forum will highlight...
read moreEditor’s Note
“The purpose of art is the gradual lifelong construction of a state of wonder and serenity.” Glenn Gould, musician Here it is! Our last issue before the fall. Yes, the magazine takes a break for the summer, but we will be holding up the fort and keeping vigil for any news over the summer. We will keep you informed via our Bulletins. Our Featured member this month and for the summer is the Cultural Human Resources Council (CHRC). The Council is also in a transition phase and is in the process...
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