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The CCA is mak­ing news! Check out our lat­est articles.

Thinking Canada Guest Blog

Thinking Canada Guest Blog

Intro­duc­tion For the sec­ond year in a row the CCA is play­ing host to EU stu­dents tak­ing part in the Think­ing Canada pro­gram. Dur­ing the pro­gram, stu­dents spend three and a half weeks tour­ing Canada and learn­ing about our var­i­ous insti­tu­tions before par­tic­i­pat­ing in a two month intern­ship. We asked this year’s stu­dents, Eszter Szenczi from Hun­gary and San­dra Siew­ert from Ger­many, to share some of their ini­tial impres­sions and some of what they have learned so far in their...

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Thinking Canada Guest Blog

Thinking Canada Guest Blog

Intro­duc­tion For the sec­ond year in a row the CCA is play­ing host to EU stu­dents tak­ing part in the Think­ing Canada pro­gram. Dur­ing the pro­gram, stu­dents spend three and a half weeks tour­ing Canada and learn­ing about our var­i­ous insti­tu­tions before par­tic­i­pat­ing in a two month intern­ship. We asked this year’s stu­dents, Eszter Szenczi from Hun­gary and San­dra Siew­ert from Ger­many, to share some of their ini­tial impres­sions and some of what they have learned so far in their...

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Canada Council for the Arts Calls for Public Engagement in the Arts

Canada Council for the Arts Calls for Public Engagement in the Arts

Canada Council for the Arts Calls for Public Engagement in the Arts

In a discussion paper released on October 16, the Canada Council for the Arts calls for public engagement in the Arts. The publication was made at the Council’s Annual Public Meeting and accompanies the release of its Annual Report. The 29-page document, titled Public Engagement in the Arts, is an overview of current approaches...

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Canada’s 150th Anniversary: An Opportunity to Look Backwards

Canada’s 150th Anniversary: An Opportunity to Look Backwards

Canada’s 150th Anniversary:  An Opportunity to Look Backwards

After 37 meetings, spanning from fall 2011 to spring 2012, the Standing Committee on Heritage published on September 24th a 63 page report on Canada’s 150th anniversary. The Committee made a total of 19 recommendations to the government...


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An overview of cultural policy in the UK A Tale of Coalition, Cuts, Creative Industries & Cultural Olympiad

An overview of cultural policy in the <span class="caps">UK</span> A Tale of Coalition, Cuts, Creative Industries <span class="amp">&</span> Cultural Olympiad

In March 2011, the House of Com­mons Select Com­mit­tee on Cul­ture, Media and Sport released a study on fund­ing arts and her­itage. The report’s sum­mary begins with a state­ment which can be con­strued as this government’s cul­tural pol­icy platform: “Arts and her­itage in Britain are among our great­est assets. They bring great cul­tural and eco­nomic ben­e­fits and every­body should have access to them.” “Since the Sec­ond World War, most arts and her­itage organ­i­sa­tions have oper­ated on a mixed...

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The New CCA: A New Style of Governance

The New <span class="caps">CCA</span>: A New Style of Governance

The New CCA: a new style of governance

Like I wrote in my last blog, we are working very hard to identify what the new CCA will be. We are working to ensure it will be a CCA the entire cultural sector can be proud of and one that responds to the needs of its members. We are systematically examining our model of governance to ensure the sector feels a sense of belonging and participation in the decision we make as was recommended in the Five Year Strategic Plan adopted by the board last March.

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Arts, Games and Change

Arts, Games and Change

Arts, Games and Change

Our first fall Magazine edition enters the season gracefully.

Is it really purely by coincidence that we have two articles making reference to the Massey-Lévesque Report in this month’s edition of the Magazine? Obviously, the issue is topical: it is raised by our featured member of the month and in a letter to the editor taken from the Globe and Mail...

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Editor’s Note

Editor’s Note

“A man with­out cul­ture is like a zebra with­out stripes” (African Proverb) Our first fall Mag­a­zine edi­tion enters the sea­son grace­fully. We have another arti­cle from Denis Bertrand’s con­tin­u­ing col­umn on how to know your audi­ence… social media can­not do it alone! Is it really purely by coin­ci­dence that we have two arti­cles mak­ing ref­er­ence to the Massey-Lévesque Report in this month’s edi­tion of the Mag­a­zine? Obvi­ously, the issue is top­i­cal: it is raised by our fea­tured...

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Canada must refuel for cultural creativity

A new strat­egy is needed to con­nect cre­ative tal­ent with busi­ness and technology From the op-ed page of The Globe and Mail/September 4, 2012-Page A17 Cul­ture is lost at Canada’s eco­nomic cross­roads. The Massey Report of 1951 cre­ated our first cul­tural “Road Map” by boldly rec­om­mend­ing the estab­lish­ment of a Canada Coun­cil to sup­port our cre­ative and inter­pre­tive artists. Its rec­om­men­da­tions also strongly encour­aged a National Library and the growth of our core national cul­tural...

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The Secret Ingredients for Audience Development: Will Power and Patience

The Secret Ingredients for Audience Development: Will Power and Patience

Share your Pas­sion. Develop your Audience. Last month, through a face­book post, The Cul­tural Human Resources Coun­cil announced the Con­fer­ence Board of Canada’s 2010 ser­vice data on Envi­ron­men­tal Trends and Issues for the Cul­tural Sec­tor. The Con­fer­ence Board iden­ti­fied 15 trends or issues. You won’t be sur­prised to learn “Changes to gov­ern­ment spend­ing” and “Changes to gov­ern­ment pol­icy” came at the top of the list. In con­trast, at least five issues are related to arts mar­ket­ing...

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