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CCA Covers Federal Review Processes
CCA Bulletin 17/09 June 11 , 2009 Just the Facts The recent announcement of strategic reviews including the CBC, the National Film Board and the Canada Council for the Arts has triggered some understandable concerns within the arts and culture sector. To help understand this process and its possible consequences, this bulletin will aim to clarify the types of expenditure review processes underway across the full range of federal departments and agencies. If there is any...
read moreProvincial Initiatives to Help the Arts Weather the Recession — An Overview
CCA Bulletin 16/09 May 20, 2009 Just the Facts As some provincial governments began announcing initiatives to support the arts, the CCA thought it timely to review what provincial governments are doing to help arts organizations and individuals in the sector weather the economic downturn. While we have not been able to collect information from all jurisdictions, here is what we have gathered so far. British Columbia As BC voters went to the polls on May 12, 2009 the...
read moreMarquee Tourism Event Cash Starts to Flow Next Deadline May 8, 2009!
CCA Bulletin 15/09 May 1, 2009 Just the Facts In the last federal budget, the Minister of Finance, the Hon. James Flaherty announced that $ 100 million in new money would flow over two years to marquee festivals and events to boost their capacity to attract tourists. The Program, administered by the Department of Industry, is a welcome replacement for the funding that was cancelled by the Paul Martin government in the wake of the advertising scandal stemming from the...
read moreFocus on Arts Funding: a report from the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage and another one on cultural infrastructure
CCA Bulletin 14/09 April 29, 2009 Just the Facts Two recently released reports on arts funding have refocused the debate on federal government investments in the arts and culture sector. The Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage recently published a report further to the hearings held in the wake of funding cuts to the arts made over the course of the summer and fall of 2008. The Committee heard from a wide range of witnesses that testified about the impact of the cuts on...
read moreWaging Culture –Canadian Visual Artists In Focus
CCA Bulletin 13/09 April 20, 2009 Just the Facts Michael Miranda and his colleagues at the York University Art Gallery had had enough. Following the public discussion of arts funding during the last federal election, the lack of credible data on the state of the visual arts had to be addressed. No comprehensive data on the socio-economic state of visual artists had been produced since the 1993 Canadian Cultural Labour Force Survey. Intent on redressing this lacuna, Michael embarked...
read moreFROM THE DESK of Alain Pineau: National Cultural Strategy Workshop Final Report
National Cultural Strategy Workshop Final Report
read moreCanadian Cultural Exports: A Growing Success Worth Investing In
CCA Bulletin 11/09 April 7, 2009 Just the Facts According to the latest data available, Canada has gone from a small cultural trade deficit in 1997 to a modest surplus ten years later. Statistics Canada has recently released data on Canadian cultural imports and exports for the period of 1997 – 2006. The data examine imports and exports for Canada’s top twenty trading partners. The numbers reveal a relative success story for the arts and culture sector with exports doubling...
read moreAmerican Arts Organizations Hit Hard by Recession
CCA Bulletin 10/09 March 24 , 2009 Just the Facts The current economic recession is taking its toll on the American arts community. The National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), the American version of the Canada Council for the Arts, reports that unemployment for artists has risen sharply. The NEA is also administering a fifty million dollar recovery fund to keep jobs in the arts. The fund is part of the larger $ 787 billion dollar recovery package passed by the...
read moreFROM THE DESK of Alain Pineau: 2009 Chalmers Workshop — Building Consensus
CCA Bulletin 9/09 March 19 , 2009 Just the Facts March 12 and 13, 2009 were productive days for the Canadian Conference of the Arts (CCA) and the Canadian arts and cultural sector in general. The CCA brought stakeholders together from around Canada to continue the process of consensus building initiated through the 2008 Regional Forums. With an aim to foster unified policy platforms and increased sector-wide networking, the two days featured frank discussions and open...
read moreThe New Canada Media Fund: A glass half full, or half empty?
CCA Bulletin 8/09 March 12, 2009 Why this should interest you The audio-visual sector in Canada represents a large source of employment for the cultural sector and the most widely consumed form of cultural expression. Hill Strategies recently noted that “although artists work in many different sectors of the economy, the industry with the highest number of artists is arts, entertainment, and recreation (52,600 or 38% of all artists).” In 2004 The Cultural Human Resources...
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