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The 2009–2010 Main Estimates Provide an Imperfect Picture of Government Spending
CCA Bulletin 7/09 March 2, 2009 Just the Facts The President of the Treasury Board, the Hon. Vic Toews, tabled the Main Estimates of Government Spending for 2009–2010 on February 26. 2009. Usually, this document presents a relatively complete picture of where spending has increased or decreased throughout the entire network of government departments and agencies. Perhaps because of the politically tumultuous past few months and the unforeseen economic crisis,...
read moreFROM THE DESK of Alain Pineau: The CCA publishes its Report on the Regional Forums 2008
CCA Bulletin 6/09 February 26 , 2009 Throughout November and December 2008, I had the great pleasure of conducting Regional Forums in 14 cities across Canada and to which more than 430 persons participated. These forums enabled a national conversation on the state of the arts and culture sector, the advocacy priorities we should be pursuing, and the necessary strategies which should be harnessed to identify and achieve common goals. These conversations were...
read moreCCA Urges the CRTC to Create a Fund for New Media Productions
CCA Bulletin 5/09 February 19 , 2009 Just the Facts Ten years after deciding not to regulate internet and two years after extending that decision to wireless services, the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission’s (CRTC) has reopened the issue. The Canadian Conference of the Arts (CCA) was the first witness to appear at the Hearing on New Media which started earlier this week in Gatineau (Québec). In his opening statement, CCA’s National Director...
read moreMore Budget Details: Where is the $335 million going?
CCA Bulletin 4/09 February 9 , 2009 Just the facts It has been two weeks since the Minister of Finance, the Hon. James Flaherty, unveiled the 2009 Federal Budget. This document contained $ 335 million in support of culture and the arts. The Canadian Conference of the Arts (CCA) has been delving into the announced funding initiatives to better understand how this investment translates into support for the arts and culture sector and what portion of the sums...
read moreThe 2009–2010 Federal Stimulus Budget and Culture: More Status Quo than Economic Stimulus
CCA Bulletin 3/09 January 27, 2009 Just the Facts Following the Speech from the Throne on January 26th, marking the opening of the second session of Canada’s 40th Parliament, the Federal Stimulus Budget was released today by Finance Minister Flaherty. Unlike previous budget releases, this announcement came in the wake of unprecedented media leaks, leading to nationwide conjecture on the stimulus funding expected for the arts and culture sector. On first...
read moreSpeech From The Throne — Prelude to the Federal Stimulus Budget
CCA Bulletin 2/09 January 26, 2009 Just the Facts On a day where the wind-chill was –31 Celsius, the Governor General of Canada, the CRT. Hon. Michaëlle Jean, delivered the Speech from the Throne that was all about economy. The usual traditional trappings of honour guards and trumpet salutes were disposed of in favour of a stripped down presentation which lasted just over eight minutes. The Speech was a prelude to the unveiling of the Federal Stimulus Budget which will...
read moreFROM THE DESK of Alain Pineau: Research at the Canadian Conference of the Arts
CCA Bulletin 1/09 January 16, 2009 Just the Facts Continuing in our pursuit of rigorous research and informing stakeholders in the arts and cultural sector, the Canadian Conference of the Arts (CCA) has established a permanent Research Advisory Committee. In consultation with Canada’s arts and cultural sector, this Committee will guide the CCA’s direction in pursuing the most relevant research themes. The expertise of the committee will allow...
read moreThe Cultural Sector – Part of the Solution for Economic Stimulus
CCA Bulletin 52/08 December 18, 2008 Just the Facts The Canadian Conference of the Arts (CCA) has sent today to the minister of Finance, the Hon. James Flaherty, as well as to all Opposition parties, a submission where it stakes the arts and culture sector as a sound place to invest for the economic stimulus sought by the government to counter the impacts of the current crisis on Canadian citizens. Earlier this year, the CCA submitted to the Standing Committee on...
read moreFROM THE DESK of Alain Pineau – From the Regional Forums to the March 12 Chalmers Conference
CCA Bulletin 51/08 December 17, 2008 Dear colleagues, The past four months have significantly altered the Canadian cultural landscape. We have seen over $ 65 million in cuts to arts and cultural programs (factoring in the abolition of the New Media Fund and of the PromArt program), an election campaign where the arts and culture featured as a key national issue, and an international crisis putting investments, pension funds, endowments, and the whole Canadian economy...
read moreThe Political Crisis Almost Eclipses the Economic Crisis
CCA Bulletin 50/08 December 8, 2008 Just the Facts Canadians witnessed high political drama this past week as the government was challenged with a possible successful non-confidence vote on the Economic Update delivered the preceding week by the Minister of Finance, the Hon. James Flaherty. The creation of a coalition by the Liberal and New Democrat parties, supported by the Bloc Québécois, threatened to defeat the government on December 8, 2008. The political ...
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