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The Economic Meltdown: Arts Organizations Feel the Heat and Finance Minister Flaherty Seeks Ideas for Economic Stimulation
CCA Bulletin 49/08 November 25, 2008 Just the Facts As bad news on the economy keeps rolling in, arts organizations and institutions are beginning to feel the pinch as endowments are failing to generate income. Endowment funds have been promoted by the federal and some provincial governments as a prudent way to build financial security and promote longer-term planning. In Saturday’s edition of the Globe and Mail, journalist James Bradshaw featured an...
read moreThey’re Baaaaaack ! Canada’s 40th Parliament Gets To Work
CCA Bulletin 48/08 November 20, 2008 Just the Facts On November 18, Canada’s 40th Parliament began its work with the re-election of Speaker of the House, Hon. Peter Milliken. November 19th saw the Governor General lay out the plans of the government in the Speech from the Throne delivered in the Senate chambers. There are a few elements which are of specific interest to the arts and culture sector. “Cultural creativity and innovation are vital not only to a lively Canadian...
read moreStatistics Canada Releases Data on Government Expenditures on Culture for 2004/2006
CCA Bulletin 47/08 November 13, 2008 Just the Facts Statistics Canada has released new data on government expenditures on culture for the fiscal years 2004/05 and 2005/06. These data show that over the two years, provincial and territorial government’s investments in arts and culture increased by $ 160 million, while the federal government’s overall contribution decreased by $ 50 million. Overall federal spending for 2005/06 was $ 3.55 billion, down from spending in...
read moreThe CCA and Freedom of Expression – The Endless Battle
CCA Bulletin 46/08 November 3, 2008 Paper presented at the Public Issues Community Forum University of Victoria, October 23, 2008 “The free communication of thought and opinion is one of the most precious rights of man; every citizen may therefore speak, write and print freely.” French National Assembly, 1789 Freedom of expression is one of the hallmarks of a truly democratic society. In Canada, as in other nations around the world, this freedom is enshrined...
read morePrime Minister Harper’s New Cabinet: New Faces and Roles
CCA Bulletin 45/08 October 30th, 2008 Just the Facts This morning, the Governor General of Canada, the Right Hon. Michaëlle Jean, presided over the swearing in of Canada’s new Cabinet. The Canadian Conference of the Arts (CCA) would like to take this opportunity to welcome the new Minister of Canadian Heritage and Official Languages, the Hon. James Moore. The CCA looks forward to working with the Minister and Department of Canadian Heritage to encourage a prominent...
read moreCCA applauds CRTC’s decision to support Canada’s cultural sector
Ottawa, ON (October 30, 2008) — The CRTC’s decision to support local Canadian programming clearly meets the requirements of Canada’s broadcasting legislation and Canadians’ desire, for more and better-funded Canadian programming, says Canada’s oldest and largest arts advocacy and cultural policy development organization, the Canadian Conference of the Arts (CCA). “By strengthening cable and satellite companies’ financial commitments to Canadian...
read moreThe Votes are In: CCA Getting Ready for the 40th Parliament!
CCA Bulletin 44/08 October 15, 2008 Just the Facts Canadians have spoken and now all attention turns to the business of the 40th Parliament and the renewed minority mandate of the Conservative Party of Canada. The Canadian Conference of the Arts (CCA) congratulates all those who ran as candidates in the general election, whether they were successful or not. Their conviction to serve Canada is something that we can all appreciate and is the very heart of...
read moreFROM THE DESK of Alain Pineau – The CCA enters the Blogosphere!
CCA Bulletin 43/08 October 10, 2008 Thanks to a set of circumstances which nobody could have foreseen, arts and culture have occupied with politicians and journalists a most unusual place in the course of the federal election campaign. The question is: what will happen on the day after the election? Several months ago, the CCA had chosen the theme of its March 2009 National Policy Conference and of the series of Regional Forums which will precede it: how can we best work together to...
read moreCCA Research Report: The Effects of Administrative Reforms on the Activities of Advocacy Groups
CCA Bulletin 42/08 October 9, 2008 Just the facts In preparation for the consultations it has organized over the coming two months in 14 cities throughout Canada, leading to the March 11–12, 2009 National Policy Conference in Ottawa, the Canadian Conference of the Arts (CCA) has commissioned research papers to provide a common background for the discussions with its members and other stakeholders interested in art and culture in the country. We are pleased to...
read moreMaking a Single Case for the Arts: An International Perspective
Executive summary In Canada, the cultural sector is diversified and rather fragmented and, for a variety of reasons, it has been impossible so far to articulate a coherent cultural policy at the national level. There was a time when the Canadian Conference for the Arts was the single, overarching organization representing the interests of all artistic disciplines in all regions. Nowadays, professional, discipline-specific organizations have developed to...
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