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“Contrary to Public Policy”: from Bill C-10 to Revenue Canada’s Rules for Fundraising by Registered Charities
CCA Bulletin 28/08 Ottawa, Monday, August 25, 2008 Just the Facts After promising it for several months, Canada Revenue Agency discretely posted on its website at the end of June draft new rules for registered charities and set a deadline of August 31 for interested parties to react. The consultation focuses on new policy on fundraising activities by all registered charities. The document provides a framework explaining how to distinguish between fundraising and other ...
read moreCanadian Television Fund: the CCA opposes the CRTC’s main recommendations
CCA Bulletin 26/08 July 31, 2008 Just the facts The Canadian Conference of the Arts (CCA) has written to the Minister of Canadian Heritage, the Hon. Josée Verner, to oppose strongly to the Minister of Canadian Heritage, the Hon. Josée Verner, to oppose strongly the main recommendations of the report that the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) presented to her in June concerning the future of the Canadian Television Fund (CTF)....
read moreCopyright Reform: from balancing competing interest to establishing a market-place approach to rights?
CCA Bulletin 25/08 July 22, 2008 Just the Facts The least one can say is that the long-awaited tabling of Bill C-61 in June by the Minister of Industry, the Hon. Jim Prentice and the Minister of Canadian Heritage, the Hon. Josée Verner has been greeted with mixed reviews. There are those who support the proposed revisions and others who suggest that many of the measures in the bill are unenforceable. Recent criticisms even denounce Bill C-61 as detrimental to the environment...
read moreThe CCA Publishes its Annual Analysis of the Federal Budget
CCA Bulletin 24/08 July 17, 2008 Main findings The CCA publishes today its 2008 Budget Analysis in which it examines federal funding from 2007/08 to 2008/09 to the Department of Canadian Heritage (DCH), cultural agencies and crown corporations. After almost three years, it is still difficult to establish what position the government may take towards culture as significant funding reductions might be forthcoming given the known government priorities, the downturn...
read moreSummer Means… 2009-10 Federal Budget Consultations!
CCA Bulletin 23/08 July 10, 2008 Just the Facts The Standing Committee on Finance has announced it is receiving submissions for the 2009-10 federal budget consultations. This is an opportunity for the public to put forward recommendations and other ideas about what the 2009-10 federal budget should contain. The CCA will be releasing in a few days its comprehensive Analysis of the 2008-09 Federal Budget, which should help organizations and individuals in...
read more“Compete to Win”– Competition Policy Review Panel Tables Final Report
CCA Bulletin 22/08 Ottawa, Thursday, July 3, 2008 Just the facts On June 26, 2008, the Competition Policy Review Panel tabled its final report entitled “Compete to Win”. In July 2007, then Minister of Industry Maxime Bernier had given the Panel the mandate “…to make recommendations to the government on ways to establish the domestic conditions that both encourage Canadian firms to be active and aggressive investors at home and abroad, and maximize Canada’s...
read moreBill C-10 – Could the Liberal Senator’s Amendments trigger an election?
CCA Bulletin 21/08 June 23, 2008 Just the Facts For months now, the Standing Senate Committee on Banking, Trade and Commerce has been hearing witnesses preoccupied with section 120, (3) of Bill C-10 . While other sections of this mammoth omnibus Act have also raised concerned from various quarters, it is this short section of the 568 page document that has caused the most turmoil, as it pertains to give to the Minister of Heritage the authority to refuse to issue tax...
read moreBill C-61 — The Devil is in the Details: Revisions to the Copyright Act Finally Unveiled
CCA Bulletin 20/08 June 20 , 2008 Background On June 12, 2008, the Minister of Industry, the Hon Jim Prentice and the Minister of Canadian Heritage, the Hon. Josée Verner, tabled proposed revisions to the Canadian Copyright Act. Bill C-61 is the first major revision to the Copyright Act since the ‘90s. The motivation for reform comes from two sources, Canada signed onto a World Intellectual Property Organization internet treaties and has not fully implemented the...
read moreCCA Annual General Meeting Ushers in New Board Members and Bylaw Changes
CCA Bulletin 19/08 June 18 , 2008 Just the Facts The Canadian Conference of the Arts held its annual general meeting at the Ontario College of Art and Design on June 12, 2008. The President of the CCA, Robert Spickler and the National Director, Alain Pineau also gave their reports on the state of the CCA. Members greeted the news that through strict management of resources, the CCA had manage to expunge its accumulated deficit and had recorded a modest surplus for the 2007-08...
read moreThe Federal Action Plan on Grants and Contributions Unveiled
CCA Bulletin 18/08 June 6 , 2008 Just the Facts On May 27, 2008, the President of the Treasury Board of Canada, the Hon. Vic Toews, outlined at the Voluntary Sector Summit in Toronto the Action Plan of the federal government to improve the management of grants and contributions. The action plan is the government’s response to the Report of the Blue Ribbon Panel on Grants and Contributions delivered to the government on February 14, 2007. The Report reached three...
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