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Culture and Trade
CCA Bulletin 17/08 June 4 , 2008 On May 29, 2008, I attended my first Annual General Meeting of the Trade Team Canada –Cultural Goods and Services. It was a most interesting meeting, attended by senior officials from the Departments of Canadian Heritage and Foreign Affairs and International Trade, and many organizations from the arts and culture sector. Some interesting data were provided on Canada’s cultural trade. In 2007, Statistics Canada released a study on the economic...
read more“Spring Cleaning” Parliamentary Update
CCA Bulletin 16/08 May 22, 2008 The CCA provides periodic information on matters related to the federal government and Parliament. This update is intended to provide a quick overview of some recent developments. The links contained in each text will provide a more detailed understanding for those who are interested. This format will be repeated from time to time. Your comments are always welcome! Copyright Legislation Soon? Ottawa is awash in rumours that the Minister...
read moreThe Plans and Priorities of the Department of Canadian Heritage for 2008–2009
CCA Bulletin 15/08 May 21, 2008 Analysis The Plans and Priorities document runs to some 120 pages. It reflects the intentions of the Department to move forward on key areas of business and presents a very comprehensive examination of the priorities, program architecture and management structures (see below, Tell me more). Generally speaking, the Department continues to embrace its key missions in support of the arts, culturally diversity, linguistic...
read moreTrade Talks — From Agriculture to Culture, Let’s Make a Deal?
CCA Bulletin 14/08 May 8 , 2008 Just the Facts In a surprising development, it would appear that international trade agreement talks through the World Trade Organization (WTO) have found a second wind. The talks, now in their sixth year, had been written off by many who felt that there was little prospect of reaching a deal on such contentious issues as agricultural subsidies and tariffs on manufactured goods. Why should the arts and culture sector care? One of the...
read moreFrom the Desk of Alain Pineau: Cultural Policy: Next Generation A New Program From The Canadian Conference of the Arts
CCA Bulletin 13/08 May 1 , 2008 Just the Facts For some time, the Canadian Conference of the Arts has been looking at a project called Cultural Policy: Next Generation, which will bring together several initiatives whose goal is to train the next generation of cultural workers. This project, which has three sections, is part of the 2008–2011 Strategic Plan adopted by the CCA Board at its November 23, 2007 meeting. The first part of this project will be the establishment of a...
read moreBill C-10: The CCA warns the Senate Banking Committee about the serious dangers to freedom of expression
CCA Bulletin 12/08 April 10, 2008 Just the Facts The CCA questions the need for the proposed amendment to the Income Tax Act included in Bill C-10 concerning tax credits supporting the production of television programs and movies and warns the Committee members of the real dangers for freedom of expression if the amendment is adopted as it stands. The Canadian Conference of the Arts (CCA) appeared yesterday in front of the Senate Committee on Banking Trade, and...
read moreThe Canadian Conference of the Arts welcomes its 2008–2011 Board of Governors
CCA Bulletin 11/08 March 26, 2008 Just the facts The Canadian Conference of the Arts (CCA) is proud to announce the composition of its 2008–2011 Board of Governors. Further to the election process which took place in the second half of February and to the March 20th meeting of the current Board, the new Board of Governors will be comprised of: Liz Barron – Winnipeg, Manitoba Arts consultant Michel Beauchemin – Montreal, Quebec Executive Secretary,...
read moreFrom Economy to Ecology – A Policy Framework for Creative Labour
CCA Bulletin 10/08 March 14, 2008 Just the Facts The Canadian Conference of the Arts (CCA) has released the report “From Economy to Ecology: A Policy Framework for Creative Labour”. The document is a comprehensive examination of the creative economy concept and more particularly of how the current labour policy framework should adapt to the realities of creative professionals. The report reflects a broad range of approaches to the creative economy in a...
read moreIs the C-10 Controversy Necessary?
CCA Bulletin 09/08 March 11, 2008 Just the Facts Over the past several days, the controversy over the federal government’s bill C-10 continued to make headlines and editorial pages all over the country. The legislation in question is entitled, “An Act to amend the Income Tax Act including amendments in relation foreign investment entities and on-resident trusts, and to provide for the bijural expression of the provisions of the Act.” (the Act). This Act is...
read moreThe Federal Government Releases the 2008-09 Main Estimates
CCA Bulletin 08/08 March 4, 2008 Just the Facts The federal government has released its Main Spending Estimates following the presentation of the 2008-09 federal budget by the Hon. James Flaherty, Minister of Finance, on February 26, 2008. The release of the Main Estimates, following the federal budget, is a welcome return to the traditional manner in which the Main Estimates are presented. In recent years the government has released the Main Estimates...
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