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Urgent Message to Arts Supporters Show Your Support for the CBC

Bul­letin 38/05

Ottawa, Sep­tem­ber 15, 2005 – CBC pro­gram­ming has been dis­rupted for 5 weeks.  Politi­cians are say­ing they have not heard from Cana­di­ans on this mat­ter, giv­ing the impres­sion that vot­ers are not bothered

about the con­tin­u­a­tion of the CBC.  Oppo­si­tion MPs are say­ing it’s time to get rid of the CBC.

Please let your politi­cians know that the CBC is impor­tant to you.  Call or send a mes­sage to your local MP, Her­itage Min­ster Liza Frulla, and Prime Min­is­ter Mar­tin.  Today!

Use the sam­ple mes­sage below, or bet­ter yet, write your own.  And please cir­cu­late this mes­sage to every­one on your con­tact list.

For infor­ma­tion about MPs and how to con­tact them, go to the online gov­ern­ment direc­tory at

Sam­ple Message

Dear [MP name],

It is time to end the CBC impasse.  I am count­ing on you to act on behalf of your con­stituents to get the CBC back on the air.

A strong CBC is invalu­able to Cana­di­ans and par­tic­u­larly artists, arts work­ers, and arts lovers in my com­mu­nity and across Canada.  As a reg­u­lar and pas­sion­ate CBC audi­ence mem­ber, I feel deprived of some­thing I con­sider an essen­tial service.

The CBC is a crit­i­cal fac­tor in the suc­cess of our Cana­dian cul­ture indus­try.  In addi­tion to the loss of pro­grams fea­tur­ing Cana­dian artists, the ser­vice dis­rup­tion is seri­ously affect­ing the abil­ity of our artists to pro­mote their work in a timely and cost effec­tive way.  With­out CBC pro­gram­ming, we are not hear­ing the unique sto­ries that make up this coun­try. Our very iden­tity is threatened.

The CBC is a ser­vice that all Cana­di­ans can feel proud of.  WE NEED THE CBC BACK.

Please work to end the CBC impasse.  Today!.

Thank you.

[Your name and signature]

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