Urgent Message to Arts Supporters Show Your Support for the CBC
Bulletin 38/05
Ottawa, September 15, 2005 – CBC programming has been disrupted for 5 weeks. Politicians are saying they have not heard from Canadians on this matter, giving the impression that voters are not bothered
about the continuation of the CBC. Opposition MPs are saying it’s time to get rid of the CBC.
Please let your politicians know that the CBC is important to you. Call or send a message to your local MP, Heritage Minster Liza Frulla, and Prime Minister Martin. Today!
Use the sample message below, or better yet, write your own. And please circulate this message to everyone on your contact list.
For information about MPs and how to contact them, go to the online government directory at http://canada.gc.ca/directories/direct_e.html.
Sample Message
Dear [MP name],
It is time to end the CBC impasse. I am counting on you to act on behalf of your constituents to get the CBC back on the air.
A strong CBC is invaluable to Canadians and particularly artists, arts workers, and arts lovers in my community and across Canada. As a regular and passionate CBC audience member, I feel deprived of something I consider an essential service.
The CBC is a critical factor in the success of our Canadian culture industry. In addition to the loss of programs featuring Canadian artists, the service disruption is seriously affecting the ability of our artists to promote their work in a timely and cost effective way. Without CBC programming, we are not hearing the unique stories that make up this country. Our very identity is threatened.
The CBC is a service that all Canadians can feel proud of. WE NEED THE CBC BACK.
Please work to end the CBC impasse. Today!.
Thank you.
[Your name and signature]