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Digital New Brunswick

A new fund­ing appli­ca­tion process was cre­ated in New Brunswick for the film indus­try after con­sul­ta­tions with the tele­vi­sion, new media and film sec­tors in November.

This may help to rec­tify some of the loss after the province can­celled a tax credit pro­gram for audio­vi­sual pro­duc­tions last spring.

For films this could mean between 25–30% of the pro­duc­tion expen­di­tures spent in the province could be cov­ered. Accepted projects will also receive half of the funds imme­di­ately after being awarded the grant, so the pro­duc­ers won’t have to put them­selves into debt while wait­ing for the money to arrive.

AAAPNB, FRIC and many other orga­ni­za­tions have praised this new ini­tia­tive for allow­ing artists to con­tinue to cre­ate New Brunswick sto­ries that will be seen everywhere.

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