CCA seeks your input as it prepares for the 2007 Federal Pre-Budget Consultations
CCA Bulletin 33/06
August 11, 2006
- CCA seeks your input as it prepares for the 2007 Federal Pre-Budget Consultations
- Blue Ribbon Panel on grants and contributions
Just the Facts
The CCA is preparing for the 2007 federal pre-budget consultations. The Policy and Advocacy Committee will review input from our members at the end of August to ensure that we meet the September 5, 2006 deadline.
The CCA is asking for your input as to what you think should be in the 2007 federal budget for the arts and culture sector. Please send your views and arguments to the CCA Secretariat as soon as possible but no later than August 22, 2006.
Among the issues that will be part of the Policy and Advocacy Committee deliberations will be:
- increased and stable funding for the arts,
- extension of the child tax credit for physical activity to the arts,
- some form of income averaging for artists and creators,
- an exemption for copyright revenue,
- raising the basic personal deduction to $ 11,500.00,
- addressing the reality of growing numbers of self-employed Canadians and their access to social benefits.
The CCA will be submitting a brief to the Minister of Finance and to the Standing Committee in support of the child tax credit, at the same time as making its pre-budget submission.
Tell Me More.
The CCA will acknowledge the increase to the budget of the Canada Council for the Arts as a positive development by the government, ask that it be made permanent and push for a speedy assessment of the need for any further increases. While many would insist upon doubling the budget of the Council, the Auditor General will soon be conducting a value-for-money audit of the Council. The Government has said repeatedly that further budget increases in the cultural field would not be made until a series of reviews had been completed. It is therefore unlikely that the government would increase the budget of the Canada Council further until the audit is completed and the results and recommendations analyzed, which will likely take us after the next federal election.
In the meantime, however, some of the agencies that constitute the Canadian Heritage Portfolio are in great need of budgetary increases. The same can be said of the museum and heritage community who were expecting the roll-out of a new museums policy last winter. The Minister of Canadian Heritage, the Honourable Bev Oda told the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage that she was taking a hard look at the policy developed by the previous government. She gave no indication that this would take place soon.
Following up on a recommendation from the delegates at the March Conference, the CCA is also considering taking a broader view of tax issues and locating them in the context of a growing number of self-employed Canadians in all fields of endeavour. The Policy and Advocacy Committee of the CCA will consider this approach when it examines the input from members.
What Can I Do?
You can send your ideas, recommendations and arguments to the CCA. The pre-budget consultation has been an opportunity for the CCA to bring to the attention of Parliament and the government proposals dealing with income tax issues affecting artists and creators, funding and policy issues.
Please send your ideas before August 22 to James Missen, Policy Advisor, by email at or by regular post c/o of the Canadian Conference of the Arts, 804–130 Albert Street, Ottawa, Ontario KIP 5G4.
Blue Ribbon Panel on grants and contributions
Just the Facts
On June 6, 2006, the President of the Treasury Board of Canada, the Hon, John Baird, appointed an independent Blue Ribbon Panel which, under the Federal Accountability Act and Action Plan, is mandated to provide advice on how to strengthen accountability for the funds spent on the grants and contributions programs. The Panel will also examine ways of reducing administrative barriers to access and the management of these funds.
The panel consists of Frances Lankin, President and CEO of the United Way of Greater Toronto, Ian D. Clark, President and CEO of the Council of Ontario Universities, and Marc Tellier, President and CEO of the Yellow Pages Group.
The panel will report to the President of the Treasury Board by December 2006.
What can I do?
The CCA has already announced that it will intervene in the Blue Ribbon Panel process. What is new is that the Panel has now invited all and sundry to provide input through their website before September 15, 2006. The CCA encourages you to share your experience and comments with the Panel and would appreciate greatly receiving a copy of your intervention.