Complete list of Tables
[ The
Land | The
People | The
Economy | The
State ]
- Principal
rivers and their tributaries
- Principal
heights by range or region
- Land
and freshwater area
- The
Great Lakes
- Area
of major Sea Islands
- Weather
conditions in capital and major cities, temperature
- Weather
conditions in capital and major cities, precipitation
The human imprint on the environment
- Species
extinct or at risk
The population
- Population
by year, by provinces and territories
- Population
of census metropolitan areas
- Immigrant
population by place of birth, census metropolitan areas
- Population
by sex and age group, by provinces and territories
- Components
of population growth, by provinces and territories
- Disability-free
life expectancy, provinces and territories
- Population
by sex and age group
- Population
5 years and over by mobility status, census metropolitan areas (2001
- Population
5 years and over by mobility status, provinces and territories (2001
- Immigrant
population by place of birth, census metropolitan areas
- Visible
minority population, census metropolitan areas
- Population
by ethnic origin, census metropolitan areas
- Population
by mother tongue, census metropolitan areas
- Population
by ethnic origin, census metropolitan areas
- Population
by knowledge of official language, census metropolitan areas
- Selected
religions, provinces and territories
- Population
reporting an Aboriginal identity, by mother tongue, provinces and territories
- Population
by knowledge of official language, by census metropolitan areas (2001
- Life
expectancy at birth
- Selected
leading causes of death, by sex
- Infant
mortality rates
- Number
of weeks depressed in past 52 weeks, by age and sex
- Percentage
of smokers in the population, by provinces
- People
who quit smoking, provinces
- Physical
activity, by age group and sex, household population aged 12 and over
- Health
expenditures, by type
- Employment,
health care and social assistance, provinces and territories
- Enrolment
in elementary and secondary schools and schools for the blind and the
- Community
college postsecondary enrolment, by provinces and territories
- University
and college revenue,
by provinces and territories
- Full-time
teachers by level, by provinces and territories
- Census
families, number and average size
- Census
families by number of children at home, by provinces and territories
- Population
in private households, showing living arrangements, by provinces and
- Census
families in private households by family structure and presence of children,
provinces and territories
- Population
by marital status and sex
- Divorces,
by provinces and territories
- Family
structure, by provinces and territories
- Average
income after tax by economic family types
- Average
market income by economic family types
- Government
transfers and income tax
- Persons
in low income after tax, by prevalence in percent
- Average
household expenditures, by provinces and territories
- Composition
of assets and debts, including employer-sponsored registered pension
plans, by provinces
- Assets
and debts held by family units, including employer-sponsored registered
pension plans, by provinces
- Average
time spent on activities, by sex
Labour force
- Labour
force, employed and unemployed, numbers and rates, by provinces
- Employment,
by industry and sex
- Experienced
labour force 15 years and over by occupation
- Experienced
labour force 15 years and over by occupation and sex, by provinces and
- Average
earnings by sex and work pattern
- Average
earnings of the population 15 years and over by highest level of schooling,
by provinces and territories
- Full-time
and part-time employment, by sex and age group
- Average
weekly hours, for employees paid by the hour, by provinces and territories
- Experienced
labour force 15 years and over by class of worker,
by provinces and territories
- Self-employment,
historical summary
- Labour
force and participation rates
- Proportion
of labour force and paid workers covered by a registered pension plan
- Average
weekly employment insurance benefits
- Days
lost per worker by cause, by provinces
Arts and leisure
- Performing
arts by discipline, selected provinces or territories
- Households
using the Internet from home, by purpose of use
- Cable
and other program distribution industry, financial and operating statistics
- Television
viewing time of all television stations
- Average
hours per week of television viewing
- Profile
of the sound recording industry
- Net
sales of own and exclusive agency titles of publishers and exclusive
agents, by language of the book
- Profile
of book publishing and exclusive agency in, for English language firms
- Profile
of book publishing and exclusive agency, for French language firms
- Financial
and employment information about periodical publishing, by category
- Participation
in culture activities by sex, Canada
- Profiles
of heritage institutions (excluding nature parks)
- Non-resident
travellers entering Canada
- Top
15 countries of origin for overnight visitors to Canada
- Trips
by Canadians in Canada, by provinces and territories
- Top
15 U.S. states visited by Canadians
- Top
15 countries visited by Canadians
- Most
popular sports
- Federal
general government revenues and expenditures
- Provincial
and territorial general government revenue and expenditure
The economy
- Economic
indicators, by provinces and territories
- Gross
domestic product, income-based
- Gross
domestic product, expenditure-based
- Real
gross domestic product, expenditure-based
- Gross
domestic product at basic prices, by industry
- Canada's
balance of international payments
- National
balance sheet
- Canada's
international investment position
- Imports
and exports of goods on a balance-of-payments basis
Exports of goods on a balance-of-payments basis
Imports of goods on a balance-of-payments basis
- Labour
force characteristics
- Employment
by industry
- Establishments
by industry
- Full-time
and part-time employment, by sex and age group
- Labour
force, employed and unemployed, numbers and rates, by provinces
- Consumer
Price Index, provinces
- Industrial
product price indexes
- Exchange
rates, interest rates, money supply and stock prices
- Federal
general government, assets and liabilities
Primary industries
- Gross
domestic product at basic prices, primary industries
- Private
and public investment in primary industries
- Raw
materials price index
- Employment
in the logging, forestry, mining, quarrying and oil wells industries
- Average
weekly earnings (including overtime), logging, forestry, mining, oil
wells and quarrying industries
- Employment,
by industry and sex
- Field
and specialty crops, by provinces
- Net
cash receipts
- Milk
and cream sales
- Cattle
and calves, as of January 1, by provinces
- Pig
inventories, by provinces
- Egg
- Income
of farm operators, by provinces
- Aquaculture
industry - Value added account
- Fur
Manufacturing and construction
- Value
of building permits, by type
- Value
of building permits
- New
housing price index
- Housing
- Mortgage
loan approvals, new residential construction and existing residential
properties, Canada
- Housing
- Homeowner
expenditure on repairs and renovations, by provinces
Communications, transport and trade
- Gross
domestic product at factor cost in the trade, transportation, storage,
communications and other utilities industries
- Employment
in the trade, transportation, storage, communications and other utilities
- Cable
and other program distribution industry, financial and operating statistics
- Couriers'
and local messengers' revenues and expenses, the provinces
- Motor
vehicle registrations
- New
motor vehicle sales
- Revenues
and expenses in the passenger and urban transit bus industry, by bus
service type, and passengers carried
- For-hire
road motor carriers of freight
- Railway
carriers, revenues and expenses
- Canadian
air carriers
- Marine
transportation industry, revenues and expenses
- Retail
- Department
store sales
- Wholesale
Finance and services
- Gross
domestic product at basic prices, finance and services
- Composition
of assets and debts, excluding employer-sponsored registered pension
plans, by provinces
- Assets
and debts held by family units, excluding employer-sponsored registered
pension plans, by provinces
- Employment
in the finance and other service industries
- Chartered
banks and other deposit-accepting intermediaries - Balance sheet
- Residential
mortgage credit
- Net
new security issues
- Life
insurance benefit payments
- Insurance
carriers-Balance sheet
- Average
weekly food expenditure per household, Canada and selected regions
- Average
household expenditures, by provinces and territories
The government
- Distribution
of House of Commons seats at general elections
- Federal
government debt
- Federal
general government revenue and expenditure
- Local
government revenue and expenditures, provinces and territories
- Consolidated
provincial government, revenue and expenditures, provinces and territories
- Employment
and average weekly earnings (including overtime), public administration
and all industries
The legal system
- Police
officers, provinces and territories
- Trends
in police personnel
- Justice
- Crimes
by offences, provinces and territories
- Persons
charged by type of offence
- Persons
charged by type of offence, provinces and territories
- Cases
in youth court