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[ The Land | The People | The Economy | The State ]

Go to: The LandThe Land


  1. Principal rivers and their tributaries
  2. Principal heights by range or region
  3. Land and freshwater area
  4. The Great Lakes
  5. Area of major Sea Islands
  6. Weather conditions in capital and major cities, temperature
  7. Weather conditions in capital and major cities, precipitation

The human imprint on the environment

  1. Species extinct or at risk

Go to:  The PeopleThe People

The population

  1. Population by year, by provinces and territories
  2. Population of census metropolitan areas
  3. Immigrant population by place of birth, census metropolitan areas
  4. Population by sex and age group, by provinces and territories
  5. Components of population growth, by provinces and territories
  6. Disability-free life expectancy, provinces and territories
  7. Population by sex and age group
  8. Population 5 years and over by mobility status, census metropolitan areas (2001 Census)
  9. Population 5 years and over by mobility status, provinces and territories (2001 Census)
  10. Immigrant population by place of birth, census metropolitan areas
  11. Visible minority population, census metropolitan areas
  12. Population by ethnic origin, census metropolitan areas
  13. Population by mother tongue, census metropolitan areas
  14. Population by ethnic origin, census metropolitan areas
  15. Population by knowledge of official language, census metropolitan areas
  16. Selected religions, provinces and territories
  17. Population reporting an Aboriginal identity, by mother tongue, provinces and territories
  18. Population by knowledge of official language, by census metropolitan areas (2001 Census)


  1. Life expectancy at birth
  2. Selected leading causes of death, by sex
  3. Infant mortality rates
  4. Number of weeks depressed in past 52 weeks, by age and sex
  5. Percentage of smokers in the population, by provinces
  6. People who quit smoking, provinces
  7. Physical activity, by age group and sex, household population aged 12 and over
  8. Health expenditures, by type
  9. Employment, health care and social assistance, provinces and territories


  1. Enrolment in elementary and secondary schools and schools for the blind and the deaf
  2. Community college postsecondary enrolment, by provinces and territories
  3. University and college revenue, by provinces and territories
  4. Full-time teachers by level, by provinces and territories


  1. Census families, number and average size
  2. Census families by number of children at home, by provinces and territories
  3. Population in private households, showing living arrangements, by provinces and territories
  4. Census families in private households by family structure and presence of children, provinces and territories
  5. Population by marital status and sex
  6. Divorces, by provinces and territories
  7. Family structure, by provinces and territories
  8. Average income after tax by economic family types
  9. Average market income by economic family types
  10. Government transfers and income tax
  11. Persons in low income after tax, by prevalence in percent
  12. Average household expenditures, by provinces and territories
  13. Composition of assets and debts, including employer-sponsored registered pension plans, by provinces
  14. Assets and debts held by family units, including employer-sponsored registered pension plans, by provinces
  15. Average time spent on activities, by sex

Labour force

  1. Labour force, employed and unemployed, numbers and rates, by provinces
  2. Employment, by industry and sex
  3. Experienced labour force 15 years and over by occupation
  4. Experienced labour force 15 years and over by occupation and sex, by provinces and territories
  5. Average earnings by sex and work pattern
  6. Average earnings of the population 15 years and over by highest level of schooling, by provinces and territories
  7. Full-time and part-time employment, by sex and age group
  8. Average weekly hours, for employees paid by the hour, by provinces and territories
  9. Experienced labour force 15 years and over by class of worker, by provinces and territories
  10. Self-employment, historical summary
  11. Labour force and participation rates
  12. Proportion of labour force and paid workers covered by a registered pension plan (RPP)
  13. Average weekly employment insurance benefits
  14. Days lost per worker by cause, by provinces

Arts and leisure

  1. Performing arts by discipline, selected provinces or territories
  2. Households using the Internet from home, by purpose of use
  3. Cable and other program distribution industry, financial and operating statistics
  4. Television viewing time of all television stations
  5. Average hours per week of television viewing
  6. Profile of the sound recording industry
  7. Net sales of own and exclusive agency titles of publishers and exclusive agents, by language of the book
  8. Profile of book publishing and exclusive agency in, for English language firms
  9. Profile of book publishing and exclusive agency, for French language firms
  10. Financial and employment information about periodical publishing, by category
  11. Participation in culture activities by sex, Canada
  12. Profiles of heritage institutions (excluding nature parks)
  13. Non-resident travellers entering Canada
  14. Top 15 countries of origin for overnight visitors to Canada
  15. Trips by Canadians in Canada, by provinces and territories
  16. Top 15 U.S. states visited by Canadians
  17. Top 15 countries visited by Canadians
  18. Most popular sports
  19. Federal general government revenues and expenditures
  20. Provincial and territorial general government revenue and expenditure

Go to:  The EconomyThe Economy

The economy

  1. Economic indicators, by provinces and territories
  2. Gross domestic product, income-based
  3. Gross domestic product, expenditure-based
  4. Real gross domestic product, expenditure-based
  5. Gross domestic product at basic prices, by industry
  6. Canada's balance of international payments
  7. National balance sheet
  8. Canada's international investment position
  9. Imports and exports of goods on a balance-of-payments basis
  10. Exports of goods on a balance-of-payments basis
  11. Imports of goods on a balance-of-payments basis
  12. Labour force characteristics
  13. Employment by industry
  14. Establishments by industry
  15. Full-time and part-time employment, by sex and age group
  16. Labour force, employed and unemployed, numbers and rates, by provinces
  17. Consumer Price Index, provinces
  18. Industrial product price indexes
  19. Exchange rates, interest rates, money supply and stock prices
  20. Federal general government, assets and liabilities

Primary industries

  1. Gross domestic product at basic prices, primary industries
  2. Private and public investment in primary industries
  3. Raw materials price index
  4. Employment in the logging, forestry, mining, quarrying and oil wells industries
  5. Average weekly earnings (including overtime), logging, forestry, mining, oil wells and quarrying industries
  6. Employment, by industry and sex
  7. Field and specialty crops, by provinces
  8. Net cash receipts
  9. Milk and cream sales
  10. Cattle and calves, as of January 1, by provinces
  11. Pig inventories, by provinces
  12. Egg production
  13. Income of farm operators, by provinces
  14. Aquaculture industry - Value added account
  15. Fur production

Manufacturing and construction

  1. Value of building permits, by type
  2. Value of building permits
  3. New housing price index
  4. Housing starts
  5. Mortgage loan approvals, new residential construction and existing residential properties, Canada
  6. Housing stocks
  7. Homeowner expenditure on repairs and renovations, by provinces

Communications, transport and trade

  1. Gross domestic product at factor cost in the trade, transportation, storage, communications and other utilities industries
  2. Employment in the trade, transportation, storage, communications and other utilities industries
  3. Cable and other program distribution industry, financial and operating statistics
  4. Couriers' and local messengers' revenues and expenses, the provinces
  5. Motor vehicle registrations
  6. New motor vehicle sales
  7. Revenues and expenses in the passenger and urban transit bus industry, by bus service type, and passengers carried
  8. For-hire road motor carriers of freight
  9. Railway carriers, revenues and expenses
  10. Canadian air carriers
  11. Marine transportation industry, revenues and expenses
  12. Retail trade
  13. Department store sales
  14. Wholesale inventories

Finance and services

  1. Gross domestic product at basic prices, finance and services
  2. Composition of assets and debts, excluding employer-sponsored registered pension plans, by provinces
  3. Assets and debts held by family units, excluding employer-sponsored registered pension plans, by provinces
  4. Employment in the finance and other service industries
  5. Chartered banks and other deposit-accepting intermediaries - Balance sheet
  6. Residential mortgage credit
  7. Net new security issues
  8. Life insurance benefit payments
  9. Insurance carriers-Balance sheet
  10. Average weekly food expenditure per household, Canada and selected regions
  11. Average household expenditures, by provinces and territories

Go to:  The StateThe State

The government

  1. Distribution of House of Commons seats at general elections
  2. Federal government debt
  3. Federal general government revenue and expenditure
  4. Local government revenue and expenditures, provinces and territories
  5. Consolidated provincial government, revenue and expenditures, provinces and territories
  6. Employment and average weekly earnings (including overtime), public administration and all industries

The legal system

  1. Police officers, provinces and territories
  2. Trends in police personnel
  3. Justice spending
  4. Crimes by offences, provinces and territories
  5. Persons charged by type of offence
  6. Persons charged by type of offence, provinces and territories
  7. Cases in youth court


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  Date published: 2003-05-26 Important Notices
  Date modified: 2004-09-30
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