Urban Lukan Sketch
Sketch by Urban Lukan

The Humboldt Journal

1900s: 1905; 1906; 1907; 1909
1910s: 1910; 1911; 1914; 1915; 1916; 1917; 1918
1920s: 1922; 1923; 1925; 1926; 1928; 1929
1930s: 1930; 1931; 1932; 1936; 1937; 1939
1940s: 1941; 1942; 1949
1950s: 1952; 1955; 1958
1960s: 1962; 1963; 1966
1970s: 1972; 1976; 1979
1980s: 1980; 1981

October 19, 1905 -- Not Yet One Year Old

November 2, 1905 -- Windsor Hotel Opened

December 15, 1905 -- First Provincial Elections of Saskatchewan Held

February 2, 1906 -- Liberal Gathering At Humboldt

March 2, 1906 -- Bank Of Commerce Opens

March 9, 1906 -- Creamery For Humboldt

March 23, 1906 -- Board Of Trade Discuss Flour Mill Proposition

March 30, 1906 -- Big Rush Of Settlers

April 27, 1906 -- Humboldt Center Of A Mighty Wheat Belt

June 22, 1906 -- Farmers Institute Meeting A Success

September 14, 1906 -- Big Yield In Humboldt District

November 23, 1906 -- Two Branch Lines From Humboldt

January 25, 1907 -- New Union Bank Building Opened

February 8, 1907 -- Warning To Settlers

March 8, 1907 -- Humboldt A Town on April 1st

May 10, 1907 -- O. W. Andreasen Elected Mayor

July 26, 1907 -- Building Active In Humboldt

August 23 1907 -- Massey-Harris Building Warehouse

September 20, 1907 -- Humboldt Will Spend $700 In Providing Adequate Fire Protection

January 21, 1909 -- Huge Land Deal Being Consummated

February 18,1909 -- CPR Building from Lanigan to P.A.

. April 22, 1909 -- Humboldt Will Have A Mill

June 24, 1909 -- Distinguished Visitor In Humboldt

July 28, 1910 -- Sir Wilfrid Laurier Makes Fine Address

August 11, 1910 -- The Circus

October 27, 1910 -- Telephone Completed

March 23, 1911 -- 50,000 Acres Changes Hands In Humboldt District

April 20, 1911 -- Humboldt To Be Chief C.N.R. Division

May 18, 1911 -- Hospital To Be Built in Humboldt

June 1, 1911 -- Waterworks, Sewage And Electric Light

September 21, 1911 -- Neely Elected But Government Defeated

Janurary 7, 1914 -- Humboldt Land Titles Office Opened

December 17, 1914 -- More Volunteers From Humboldt For The Front

January 14, 1915 -- Humboldt's Waterworks And Sewerage Systems

January 28, 1915 -- One Of Humboldt's Thriving Industries

May 13, 1915 -- Council Arrange To Complete Waterworks And Sewerage Systems

September 30, 1915 -- Cost Of Operation Of Electric Light Plant Is Excessive

December 2 ,1915 -- Humboldt's Elevators Filled To Capacity

May 11, 1916 -- Serious Explosion At C.N.R. Pump House

June 8, 1916 -- Banquet Given In Honour Of Humboldt Soldiers

June 6, 1917 -- Hon. W.M. Martin Addresses Large Humboldt Audience

July 12, 1917 -- Humboldt Had Serious Fire: Two Buildings Totally Destroyed

October 4, 1917 -- New School District Formed

December 20, 1917 -- Union Government Elected

July 18, 1918 -- Humboldt Has Never Had A Crop Failure

November 10, 1921 -- Robbery Probably the Biggest in History of Northern Saskatchewan

January 5, 1922 -- Premier King Takes Over The Reins Of Government

March 30, 1922 -- Humboldt Store Robbed For Second Time Within Few Months

August 17, 1922 -- Humboldt Has First Radio Set

November 30, 1922 -- Humboldt Power Plant Is Now On A Paying Basis

April 26, 1923 -- Old Landmark Abandoned

March 1, 1923 -- Canadian National Railways Plan Many Improvements At Humboldt

May 24, 1923 -- Midway Show For Humboldt Exhibition Days

December 6, 1923 -- Should Be A Boom To Hog Raising In This District

July 10, 1924 -- Town Will Change Source Of Water Supply

September 18, 1924 -- Man Is Found Who Carved Name On Stone Near Humboldt In 1885

March 12, 1925 -- Mr. Jacobsen Explains C.N.R. Immigration Policy At Community Club Luncheon

May 20, 1926 -- Mennonites Purchase the Schnaufer Bros. Farms 2720 Acres

June 17, 1926 -- Want Road Through Humboldt To Connect Hudson Bay

September 16, 1926 -- Liberals Win

October 28, 1926 -- Humboldt Journal Comes Of Age

February 23, 1928 -- Humboldt Extends Its Power Lines to Farms

April 5, 1928 -- Humboldt's 21st Anniversary

August 16, 1928 -- Over $100,000.00 Construction Work Being Done

September 20, 1928 -- Humboldt Board Of Trade Formed

January 31, 1929 -- Railway Officials Present Arguments At Public Meeting

February 21, 1929 -- The Royal Grain Inquiry Commission At Humboldt

March 14, 1929 -- C.P.R. To Build Into Humboldt

April 18, 1929 -- C.P.R. Will Build To Humboldt

July 18, 1929 -- Talkies At Lux Theatre

December 4, 1930 -- Humboldt Power Plant Suffers Damage In Early Morning Fire

December 18, 1930 -- Rapid Progress Made In Repair Of Humboldt Power Plant

September 3, 1931 -- Town Reverting To Stoney Lake For Water Supply

June 2, 1932 -- First Humboldt Wheat Shipped To Fort Churchill

October 6, 1932 -- Premier Anderson Officiates At Opening Of Humboldt Rink

November 24, 1932 -- New Town Well Has Been Put Into Operation

September 3, 1936 -- Would Settle British Immigrants In The Humboldt District

October 29, 1936 -- Building Acivity In Humboldt During The Year

May 13, 1937 -- Humboldt's Coronation Celebration A Fine Success

August 6, 1937 -- St. Elizabeth's Hospital Celebrates Silver Jubilee

September 23, 1937 -- Locate Good Water Supply For Humboldt

June 8, 1939 -- F.J. Bolster Nominated C.C.F. Candidate

July 8, 1939 -- Hundreds From Humboldt See King And Queen At Saskatoon And Watrous

July 27, 1939 -- Dr. H.R. Fleming, M.P., Nominated Present Federal Member For Humboldt

May 22, 1941 -- R.C.A.F. Recruiting Officer To Visit Humboldt May 26

October 22, 1942 -- Practice Blackout

February 24, 1949 -- Electric Power Comes To Annaheim

September 22, 1949 -- Red Wings Send Hall To Windsor

February 28, 1952 -- Pony Express Rider Recalls Early Trips

May 12, 1955 -- Asks State Of Emergency Be Called In This Area

September 15, 1955 -- Hospital Officially Opened

February 2, 1956 -- Fire Destroys Flour Mill

April 26, 1956 -- Glen Hall Named Top N.H.L. Rookie

January 23, 1958 -- P.A. T.V. On Air

June 28, 1962 -- Medicare Plan Starts July 1

March 28, 1963 -- Hall Wins Top Goalie Award For First Time

January 6, 1966 -- Fire Destroys Creamery

June 9, 1966 -- Pioneer Hotel Opens

March 30, 1972 -- Broncos Win Provincial Title

May 18, 1972 -- Humboldt M.L.A. Named To Cabinet

June 10, 1976 -- Hurricane-Force Winds Rip Through District

June 17, 1976 -- Fire Guts School

May 10, 1979 -- Centre Gets Green Light

December 10, 1980 -- It's Now Uniplex

July 8, 1981 -- PAMI Gets New Name

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